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Printing To Dynamic Label Formats Based On Xml Data



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    Ian Cummings

    Are you using the Integration Platform in BarTender 2016 (or Commander in older software) to detect the XML and print labels from it in an automated fashion?


    Assuming yes, you'd first run an XSL transform (XSLT) to transform the XML into BarTender XML Script (BTXML) which BarTender can then execute natively.  Of course, this will mean you'll need to write the XSLT to perform the transform in the first place.  The below link offers a good introduction on XSLT:


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    Legacy Poster

    Yes, I'm using the canned OracleXML.btin in Integration Platform. I have the Oracle WMS and MSCA Print Request to BTXML with no conditions (run always) with the EventData source variable. Followed by a Search and Replace to replace the printer name. Last is the Print Batch action. This all works fine. 


    When I add another Search and Replace to update the template/format from CRD to CRD2, I get the error. I have tried adding the action either before or after the other Search and Replace action but it fails either way.

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    Legacy Poster

    Thanks for the tips Ian. I moved the Search and Replace actions prior to the Oracle to BTXML step and it worked!

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    Vinay Talasila

    Hi Ian and Legacy Poster,

    I am Vinay, facing some issue and I found that this solution is close to my issue but I am missing somewhere. Can I have a webmeeting with you and can you quickly help me regarding my issue. I appreciate you so much if you can help me.




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    Ian Cummings

    Vinay; I suggest you first get in touch with technical support giving them a full set of information on what your problem is and what you'd like to fix it.  Do so via:


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