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Limited History View



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    Ian Cummings

    There is no such limit.  Have you perhaps set some search query to give you only such data records?  What edition/version of SQL Server is the data residing on?  Perhaps you've setup the maintenance to archive data older than 3 days to .bak files?  Check this via the "Tools>System Database Setup" menu item.

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    Legacy Poster

    Is this maintenance archival setting a default at all???  We did a very default install of this system database many months ago.  We'd just never had much reason to look back more than a few records at a time.  Now we are compelled to look back much further at a specific issue.  Ultimately we may need to be able to validate we have a full history of printing events.



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    Legacy Poster

    I think my DBA answered this question for me.  He states;

    at it looks like on 2/3/13 a job named “BarTender DB cleanup” was created that has the description “This job will delete records that are older than 5 days from the BarTender database. This is recommended by the BarTender software.”


    Here is the job’s code:

    DECLARE @timeThreshold int

    DECLARE @timeUnits int

    DECLARE @recordType nvarchar(1024)

    --Choose how many units in the past

    SET @timeThreshold = 5

    --Where 0 = Days, 1 = Weeks, 2 = Months

    SET @timeUnits = 0

    SET @recordType = N'ALLR' --All Record Types

    dbo.SpDeleteOlderRecords @timeThreshold, @timeUnits, @recordType


    How do we stop this process from running?  Will it be an issue in the performance of history explorer or reprint console?  Essentially, why is this "recommended by the BarTender software"???

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    Ian Cummings

    You can run maintenance to archive/delete records in the BTSDB either locally under the "Maintenance" tab of the "BarTender System Database Setup" dialog, or remotely over the network using a stored SQL procedure script in  SQL Server Management Studio.  If you don't wish to use the stored procedure, then either disable it or modify it to better suit your needs.  As everybody's needs are different we don't recommend a specific interval for this, because as in your case it doesn't make sense to be so frequent.


    Copied from the BarTender help system:


    The following example demonstrates how to modify an existing maintenance plan, so that it removes any records in the BarTender System Database that are greater than 5 days old.
    - Locate the desired maintenance plan in the Object Browser of SQL Management Studio. It will be found in the Maintenance Plans subdirectory of the Management folder.
    - Open the context menu for the maintenance plan and select Modify. This will open a design area containing each of the tasks contained in the maintenance plan.
    - In the Toolbox, select Execute T-SQL Statement Task and drag it onto the drawing surface.
    - Connect the arrow from an existing task to the new Execute T-SQL Statement Task.
    - Double-click on the Execute T-SQL Statement Task to edit the task.
    - Enter the desired SQL Script into the text field. The following code removes any BarTender database records older than 5 days:
    DECLARE @timeThreshold int 
    DECLARE @timeUnits int 
    DECLARE @recordType nvarchar(1024) 
    --Choose how many units in the past 
    SET @timeThreshold = 5 
    --Where 0 = Days, 1 = Weeks, 2 = Months 
    SET @timeUnits = 0 
    SET @recordType = N'ALLR' --All Record Types
    EXEC dbo.SpDeleteOlderRecords @timeThreshold, @timeUnits, @recordType 
    For additional information on supported SQL scripts and stored procedures, refer to Stored SQL Procedures.

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