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How To Send Raw Zpl Commands To Usb Driver



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    Susan Chen
    Hi, Mark

    If you are using Seagull printer driver, On Printers and faxes, right click on the Printer-> choose "Properties"-> Tools-> Action->

    You can choose to "Send printer command" or "Send print file to printer"

    Please use Seagull printer driver with Bartender( to be eligible to our support.

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    Ian Cummings
    To send the ZPL file to the printer via automation use the following syntax:

    ssdal.exe /p "[i]PrinterName[/i]" send "[i]FilePathAndName[/i]"

    Where "PrinterName" is the name of the printer driver and "FilePathAndName" is the path and name of your ZPL print file that you wish to send.

    For further information on the command line options enter the below command in a command prompt window:

    ssdal.exe /?
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    Legacy Poster
    Thanks, that did the trick!
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    Legacy Poster

    HELLO, maybe i'm out of time but here are my response.


    I just add a printer driver (Generic/Text Only), and with this i can send zpl commands to the printer.


    i hope this response are usefull for something.

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    Travis Truax

    Out of curiosity, has this simple functionality been added to the newer generation of Commander (Integration Builder, or whatever it's called now)?

    Another option is to send the trigger file contents directly to the to printer via TCP/IP socket, which generally works very well, except (I believe) has at least one downside: Not using a print queue, you will have no bi-directional communication to inform you of whether the label printed or not, and if the printer is offline or something, then I think your label request kinda just goes into oblivion.   

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    Ian Cummings

    Travis Truax: In an integration that you create with the Integration Builder you could execute a PowerShell script to substantiate an instance of the Printer() class object, and then use that to call the send file method to send already generated print code into a print queue.  Note that PowerShell scripts support the use of integration variables.  See a quick example below:

    $printer = New-Object -TypeName Seagull.BarTender.Print.Printer -argumentList "%PrinterName%"
    $printer.SendFile("%PrintFileName%", "%PrintJobName%")

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    Travis Truax

    Thanks for that bit of knowledge Ian!

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    Ulrich Kotzolt

    Is this still the way it works? We need a way to send printer ZPL commands for setting up a printer for heat and speed individual for different material. Before we print the label with the Integration. Many thanks in advanced.

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    Ian Cummings

    Ulrich: You can configure the Document Properties of the printer driver preferences for your particular BarTender document so that it sends these setting to the printer as part of the print job.  Ordinarily there is no need to send such printer configuration commands separately.  However, if fo some reason you do, then the above method would still be the way to go.

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    Ulrich Kotzolt

    Hi Ian, 

    There will be about 400 Bartender label files for different items. If you use a single label with these settings for each label material, you will have more than a thousand labels and it will be impossible to manage if something changes.

    So we thought about using a file with printer code to set up different settings for speed and heat.

    I already asked about setting driver settings from integration, this looks like the only way.

    Thanks for your reply,


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