Activex And Queryprompts
What is the VBscript ActiveX command to fill in the data for a QueryPrompt. I try using:
set oBartender = CreateObject("BarTender.Application")
set oLabel = oBartender.Formats.Open("C:\test.btw",1,"Bradyprinter Model 3481")
The first two lines work fine, but it bombs on the 3rd line (object doesn't support this property or method "oLabel.DatabaseConnections").
set oBartender = CreateObject("BarTender.Application")
set oLabel = oBartender.Formats.Open("C:\test.btw",1,"Bradyprinter Model 3481")
The first two lines work fine, but it bombs on the 3rd line (object doesn't support this property or method "oLabel.DatabaseConnections").
Found the answer (in case anyone faces the same issue):
oLabel.Databases.QueryPrompts.GetQueryPrompt("QueryPrompt1").Value = "0007"0
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