How To Create Single Label File From Database Generated Label Set For Later Use??
I need to save labels generated from database in a stand-alone btw file to be recalled without actual database connection? Don't want to convert in PDF because of lower quality barcode printing.
Not sure about your question there, perhaps you could elaborate? What do you mean by a, "database generated label" that you save as a BTW file?
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If what you're trying to do is to extract data from the database and create single label formats containing one record of data each, the answer to that is no, that's not possible. Printing to PDF would probably be your most viable solution to this issue.
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Sorry for my poor English! At the headoffice I create labels from database with pro version. At another firm site, unfortunately without lan/internet connection (woodland beetween mountains) sometimes I need to print several labels forgotten. There it is avalaible only Bartender basic vers. and the old Toshiba TEC . Before to look for other solutions the issue was what Mike answered if I understood well: it's no possible to extract and save single label in single file btw . i.e. With a DB I got 50 sample labels and I can't create 50 label btw files DB indipendent. I tried printing to PDF but quality, even the highest, is fair.
Many thanks to Ian and Mike
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