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What Version Did The New Object Selection Model Show Up?



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    This new One-Click-To-Edit functionality was introduced with Version 10.1. And we need more people like you to come out so Seagull will get off their stubborn-horse and roll it back. The one-click-to-edit function is redundant because there is already an edit tool that allows this.


    Again, thank you for coming here to post. I also have big issues with overlapping objects and design in general keeps getting more difficult, with 10.1 SR2 being even worse than 10.1 SR1

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    Ian Cummings

    I realise this won't help for any legacy label designs, but on new label designs you should make use of the layers functionality for those areas where objects closely overlap.  To ts_sklett could you attach a label design that clearly highlights the problem you're experiencing? 

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    @Ian C.: I appreciate the effort to help, but layers aren't an appropriate tool to make a selection scheme operate properly.  If I have overlapping object it's unreasonable to expect me to use layers to separate them simply to facilitate accurate selection of the objects.  BarTender has made a UI blunder and I'm baffled how anyone could defend it; it's terrible and awkward.


    I have attached a sample.  To see the behavior I am complaining about, try to move the middle single line text object.  As the mouse nears the bottom edge of the object the focus changes to the object below it.  In the previous version(s) I would just click and drag on the object - easy and INTUITIVE.  With the new version I'm wasting time moving the mouse around, playing the hit-testing game waiting for the cursor to change to a move state for the object I want to move.  It's just terrible.


    Someone at Seagull apparently thinks it's great, but I think Seagull should do a user poll and see what your users think.


    Seagull: Just make it an option.  It's so simple to make this an option, why not?

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    Have you decided to revert to the old selection model yet?  I kid you not, the new selection model is terrible!  I just spent at least 45 second trying to select a text object so I could move it.  I finally had to lock all the objects around it so that I could isolate the selection of the object I wanted.


    Why did you do this?  What was wrong with the old way?  Is this just a "feature" for the sake of adding something new?  I'm really angry about this, it's a stupid change that only makes things worse.  PLEASE change it back or at least make it a preference.


    I took 10 minutes to make a video showing how bad this is.  I can't imagine anyone who watches this could honestly defend the new behavior.

    I tried to make the following a clickable link but received a message "You have posted a link to a website the administrator doesn't allow" - or something like that.


    Please copy and paste the following into your browser:



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    Ian Cummings

    In BarTender v10.1 SR3, which is currently in beta, we've added a selection under "General Options" to allow a single click for object selection, rather than to edit.  For your functionality the option would be deselected.  We hope to have SR3 ready towards the end of this (March 2014) month.

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    Ian Cummings

    We all enjoyed the Charlie Chaplin nature of your video by they way.  We could feel your frustration.

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    Legacy Poster

    Oh that's great news!  Thank you for the update, I will chill out now that I now I can turn the feature off soon.



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    Legacy Poster

    It's a miracle! Thank you devs for fixing this.

    I still am not a fan of the changed "snapping" functionality that changed in SR2, and is unchanged in SR3. Mostly it makes duplicating fields and keeping them in line a little more difficult for me. But I'm special like that.


    I wish Shift + ArrowKey moved the object while overriding snapping instead of it's current functionality which is to stretch the object I have selected. I'm not sure of any circumstance where I need to use my arrow key to stretch an object?

    Edit: Thanks sklett for the video. It crossed my mind to do something similar, but I never did. There are about a half dozen other things I could do one about though :)

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    Ian Cummings

    BarTender v10.1 SR3 has now been released:

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    FWIW the update procedure failed on my system.  I read the instructions (I know!) and it clearly states:

    "You will not be prompted to re-enter your original Product Key Code (PKC)."


    Great.  I downloaded the web installer and went through the install.  Then the deactivation wizard popped up and deactivated BarTender.  Now it's in Demo mode and still stuck on SR2.  Looks like full uninstall/reinistall is required.

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    Ian Cummings

    When updating there is no need to deactivate when prompted as you will be using the software on the same PC.  Now that you did deactivate yes you will need to reactivate.  I suggest you download the full installer and choose to update, activating when prompted.  No need to uninstall unless the update continues to fail no matter what you try.


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