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Assigning Data To Named Objects



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    Shotaro Ito

    Make sure you have the named datasources (substrings) "GHS1"..."GHS5" on the format.

    Could you attach the label format from [more reply options]?

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    Legacy Poster

    I have attached the label.

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    Shotaro Ito

    I have attached the label.


    it looks you stored image in C:\Commander\Templates\Images\ , right?

    Named datasource GHS5 is not found in the label format - that would causes error at least.

    The document contains quite complex VB Script - it's not very easy for me to understand without data (um- even difficult with data too).


    For GHS labels, try using our sample coming with BarTender 10.1 sample

    (this one also includes very complex VB script, though)

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    Legacy Poster

    I simplified the label down to the bare essentials - the fields that I need to fill and the field with the script.  I noticed that when the script stopts working it is also displying an "endless loop" error.  Where could this error possibly be occuring?



    Dim SHText, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4

    SHText = "An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered."

    tmp1 = "CorrosiveGHS.JPG"

    tmp2 = "ExplosiveGHS.JPG"

    tmp3 = "ExclamationGHS.JPG"

    tmp4 = "EnvironmentGHS.JPG"

    tmp5 = "Health effectsGHS.JPG"


    msgBox("SHText= " & SHText)

    Format.NamedSubStrings("SHText-block").Value = SHText    <-----  this line appears to work as the text above

                                                                                                                 appears in the label but the script aborts at this

                                                                                                                 point  with the "endless loop" error


    msgBox("tmp1 = " & tmp1)

    Format.NamedSubStrings("GHS1").Value = tmp1


    msgBox("tmp2 = " & tmp2)

    Format.NamedSubStrings("GHS2").Value = tmp2


    msgBox("tmp3 = " & tmp3)

    Format.NamedSubStrings("GHS3").Value = tmp3


    msgBox("tmp4 = " & tmp4)

    Format.NamedSubStrings("GHS4").Value = tmp4


    msgBox("tmp5 = " & tmp5)

    Format.NamedSubStrings("GHS5").Value = tmp5





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    Shotaro Ito

    Thanks for strip down ver - it looks the format works here in BarTender 10.1SR3 GUI when database disabled. You need to click [OK] on the msgbox dialog to proceed.

    try remove all "msgbox" part - it won't cope well with Commander. (When Commander is running as background service, it cannot press [OK] - bartender just waits forever.)

    Enable BarTender's job logging instead to check values are handled in BarTender.(Administer > Log options, Text file > Log Print Job information.)

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    Legacy Poster

    I removed the message boxes, the database connection and set the log file, and still the same result - an endless loop error.

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    Shotaro Ito

    I have out of idea - The script itself doesn't have a loop and nothing to be waiting except msgbox.

    In such case, I would create document from scratch (perhaps some parts copied from original doc.)

    Would that be possibly handled using "search and replace" transform etc?

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    Legacy Poster

    I thought of that as well.  I created a brand new label with just two objects, one with the script and one being written to.  I received the same error message.  It leads me to believe that the error is either environmental or an issue with the Format.NamedSubStrings function.  Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any documentation on that function.  Do you know if any exists?

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    Shotaro Ito

    That's in Online help - but doesn't have much detailed doc. 

    Shorthand of

    Format.NamedSubStrings("GHS1").Value = tmp1


    GHS1 = tmp1




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