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Conversion To Julian Date Help



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    Michael Toupin (mtoupin

    You'll want to use jjj for a 3 digit julian date.  

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    Legacy Poster



    I'm fairly illiterate on the programming.  Can you walk me through where and how to make the transform.





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    Kai Kohler

    You shouldn't need to use VB for formatting the date.  You can open the properties of that object and select the data source. On the Data Type tab, change it to Date.  Then you can change the format to Custom, and type in the format you want yjjj.  It will then display the date in that format.

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    Legacy Poster

    OK, that's close, and very easy, but not quite it.  yjjj returns two digits for the year + the three digit Julian date.  How do I drop the decade digit?

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    Kai Kohler

    Transforms tab -> Truncation -> Drop first character on the left

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    Legacy Poster

    The truncation transform is not available for a date data type.  However, I figured out a way around it.  I added a new field to the label to pull the data and transform the date and with a font color of white to suppress it.  Then I changed the field I want to print to a data source type "Object Value" calling the text box I just created, then I made the text transforms to it.


    Thanks to Kai K. and Mike T. for all the help.  My label is now finished!!!

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    Levi Hargrove

    I was going to recommend that way as well, Pkuesters. But I will make one more recommendation, do not set the font value as white, instead just drag/drop that object off of the label. You can reference objects off of the label still because technically their data exists, even at print time. 

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    Legacy Poster

    Thanks Levi.  I will do that.


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