Zebra Tlp 2844 Printing Issues
I have downloaded the bartender trial version (Enterprise) and want to see if it works with my existing Zebra TLP 2844 Desktop Printer. I have set up a label in Bartender using an ODBC connection and when I print the printer prints perpendicular to the label. I have check the settings and everything seems ok. When I change the label setup to portrait in Bartender, the text stays in landscape and the label is in portrait. When I print using this setup, the label prints somewhat correctly. It prints a bit down on the label and skips one label and then prints again, then skips, and so on.
I have downloaded the TLP 2844 driver from the Seagull website. What else do I need to do?
I am using Zebra - 17157 barcode labels.
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Hello ddelamore,
Taking a look at your document I've noticed that you are not working with our latest Seagull driver for your Zebra printer, could you download and install it and let me know if this solves your issue? You'll be able to download our latest driver from the below webpage:
I've also noticed that you've configured the label with a width of 25.4mm and height of 50.8mm, and you've then set it up as "Landscape". Is this correctly configured?
Could you let me know the exact size of your stock? I'll need the following:
a. Page size: label height, and full page width (including non printable margins).
b. Label size: label height and width, without considering any non printable margins.
c. Side non printable margins.
e. Could you also confirm that you are working with labels with gaps?
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Sounds like it is not correctly configured.
a. Page Size - 55mm x 29mm including gaps.
b. Label Size - 50mm x 25mm
c. 2mm margins on the sides. 1.5mm margins on top and bottom.
d. the label roll i have has 3mm of gap between each label with preforated tear.
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Hello ddelamore,
Please ignore the gaps between labels, that will be automatically calculated by the printer sensor.
Doing so I'm not sure if I understand your measurements:
a. The page size includes the LABEL height (basically ignore the gap between labels). Note that although you've got your label set in landscape I'm still considering height the "long" part of the label. the width of the page includes the side margins.
b. If I apply the above to your measurements I cannot get the required label size (55mm - 3mm = 52mm instead of 50mm). Could you please correct your label and page sizes?
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I got it to work! Thanks.
I didnt have the right driver for the TLP 2844. Once I did that, the correct stock was loaded in bartender and everything was great.
Thanks for the help
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