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One Label To Rule Them All



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    [quote name='eaus' timestamp='1312573900' post='347']
    My company has recently bought Bartender 9.4, and want to start printing labels. Basically we got one master-template containg a default background-image, and some static text-field, as well as text-fields filled by database query. My question is this:

    Is it possible (and if yes, how?) to configure it so that we only have this one master label, and whenever we need to print labels for a certain product, we simply type in the article no. or the product name from our database-connection?

    I think what you're looking for is the query prompt feature. This is taken from the help system:

    [quote]A query prompt allows you to fill in the criteria for the query at print-time. For example, if you want to be able to search for a particular part number that you type in at print-time, you would use the Query dialog to select the part number field from the database, specify the equality operator, and set the criteria to a Query Prompt. Then every time you print, you will be asked to type in the part number, and only records that match that part number will be printed.

    When you print, you'll get a dialog that asks you for a part number or whatever you want to filter by. You enter the data, and only those records from your db will print. We have a system like this implemented.
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    [quote name='Jim' timestamp='1312574174' post='348']
    When you print, you'll get a dialog that asks you for a part number or whatever you want to filter by. You enter the data, and only those records from your db will print. We have a system like this implemented.

    Wow, thank you! I rather quickly jumped through the different videos on the Seagull website earlier today, but I must've missed the part were they described the Query Prompt-feature.

    I decided to ask a few questions on these forums before going back to work on monday in hopes of being a little bit wiser as how to implement the features we find necessary - this will definitely help me, thank you again!

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