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Bartender 10.1 Sr3



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    Ian Ian

    Not yet, but probably early March.

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    Legacy Poster

    OK, thanks Ian.

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    Legacy Poster

    Any word on this?


    We are waiting for SR3 to fix our Reprint Console issue.

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    Ian Ian

    I don't have an exact release date as yet, but last we heard we're shooting for an end of March release.  If you like, send an email to making reference to this forum question, and I'll provide you a link to a v10.1 SR3 BETA download.

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    Legacy Poster

    Hi Ian,


    anything news about this?

    Our customers are waiting for fix some issues in SR2...

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    Ian Ian

    Hopefully by the end of this week, but this could still slip a few days as it already has before.  Sorry, but it's hard to pin down an exact date because if testing finds a problem it has to be fixed first, and then retested before we can release to manufacturing.  It takes the time it takes, but be assured we are keen to get it out just as soon as we can.

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    Ian Ian

    BarTender v10.1 SR3 has now been released:

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    Legacy Poster

    Tnx Ian.


    Just installed it locally and tried our large design on it. Seems that VB scripting does not work anymore. At least it's a SR which needs extra attention before installing it onto our production environment. As soon as I've figured out why VB doesn't work anymore I will post it.



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    Ian Ian

    In general VB scripting in v10.1 SR3 works just fine as far as I know at least.  I've not seen reports to the contrary.  Of course, it sounds like some change we made has broken your particular document, be it for good or bad reasons.  Let me know what you find and I'll run it past our developers if need be.

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    Legacy Poster

    Thanks for the message, Ian. It seems that the 'OnPrintStart' and 'OnPostPrompt' events within VB Scripting have changed in behaviour. Events which are triggered in predictable way in SR1 are unpredictable in our design in SR3.


    I can get certain events working again if scripts are moved from the 'OnPostPrompt' section to the 'OnPrintStart' section and vice versa. One field even needs the same script in both these event sections to make it work. 


    To make it more visible I will describe an example:


    At the user input screen, the user is allowed to;


    1 Type in an itemcode




    2 Select an itemcode from a list. (List is VB created selection from SQL database)


    Upon pressing OK in the user input screen, VB is doing the following:


    If (Format.NamedSubStrings("Artikelcode_direct").Value )<>"" Then
        J = Ucase(Format.NamedSubStrings("Artikelcode_direct").Value)
        J = Format.NamedSubStrings("Artikelcode_select").Value
    End If

    Value = J


    So, if the user typed in something manually, it is overrulling any selection made from the list.  The value of J is then used for further SQL select statements to retrieve additional data from the selected Itemcode. One of this fields is called 'labcode'


    The first two characters of 'labcode' contains the information which template should be printed and the rest should not.


    So after retrieval of labcode, VB takes the first two characters: 


    Value = Left(Labcode,2)
    The template that matches these characters has the 'Print When' field defined.
    This works fine in SR1. In SR3 I don't have adequate control yet over the sequence in which these scripts are executed. I get 'nothing to print' messages because the info for the template has not been collected yet. The sequency can be influenced using OnPrintStart and OnPostPrompt sections.
    Ian, are there any release notes  for SR3 available specifically on the behaviour of the VB Events? Currently I can not get any grip on what exactly has changed. I can make some templates in our design to work again, resulting in others to fail due to my changes.



    P.S. Graphic quality on our Sato printer is very bad both in real as in preview mode when compared to SR1. Need to sort that out as well.




    Additional comment: After testing SR1, SR2 and SR3, it seems that the major change in VB behaviour was from SR1 to SR2.

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    Ian Ian

    1. Sorry, but I don't have any detailed release notes to share with you at this point.  However, looking at the various issues fixed in SR3 there are a number of items that relate to data entry validation and/or behaviour, but nothing as concerns VB scripting.  As your document is particularly complex, would it be possible to produce a much simplified document that exhibits the difference in VB script behaviour?


    2. You mention that all was well in SR1, but not SR2.  This begs the question therefore, what about SR2?  Did you never try/use SR2?  I ask as the difference in behaviour might have been introduced back then.


    3. Can you better define the graphic quality issue with your Sato printer?  What type of object is print/previewing poorly?  Can you attach a comparison example between a good and quality graphic?  Again a simplified example would help us get to the nub of the issue quicker.

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    Legacy Poster

    1 & 2 


    Yes it does seem to be a SR1 to SR2 issue. As I ran into print problems into running SR2 as described in 



    message number #17 we decided not to install SR2 onto our production environment. Currently I am installing SR2 onto my test environment again.

    Yes, the design is complex, but I am stripping a copy of it down to the simpliest design still having the same symptom. 




    3.  Sure, I will send it by email, but not until Thursday.. If I choose a laser printer it is okay in all versions. Only if I choose the label printer driver a difference appears between SR1/SR2 and SR3. The image looks very dithered and it also comes out of the printer that way.


    Printer settings are checked and all the same during the experiments. Printer driver was SATO Version


    Tnx for the help.

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    Ian Ian

    1. In SR2 we did fix a bug reported by a user who was sourcing a serial number value from a text file using an event based VB script, printing a serialized print job and then writing back the updated value to file.  It sounds quite likely that the change in this behaviour broke your original script.  It's yet to be seen if this is now a new bug in SR2/3, or whether your original script was simply working around the original bug.


    2. Were you able to tell me what type of objects were printing poorly, or was it the entire label?  Judging by the version number it seems that you're not using a Seagull printer driver for your Sato printer.  I would recommend that you use our driver instead:

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    Legacy Poster

    1. I will try to pinpoint the issue and get back with the results.


    2. A sample has been sent to the EMEA support email address. These were made using the SATO's native drivers. Since then I have installed Seagull's driver 7.3.4. for Sato CL408e and got the same results.

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    Ian Ian

    Concerning the print and preview quality of the picture objects: it looks like we might have an issue there in v10.1 SR3, and so I've reported it to development to look into.


    As you've started a new post for the VB scripting issue, I'll respond to it on that thread:

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    Legacy Poster

    Thanx, Ian. We'll manage with the print quality issue. No problem.



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    Legacy Poster



    I've got Bartender 10.0 SR4 Automation Edition.  Can I upgrade to 10.1 SR3 for free or does that require a new licence?



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    Shotaro Ito

    Hi DaveF,

    10.0 to 10.1 is a major upgrade which requires paid upgrade.

    You can purchase upgrade license from your reseller - which would be cheaper than purchase full license.

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    Akshay Kv

    I need bartender ultralite 10.1 sr3 trail version. Is there any downolad link.

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    Ian Ian

    Akshay: You would need to contact the printer manufacturer for a copy of the Ultra-Lite for their particular printer brand.  Seagull Scientific does not distribute it to either the channel or end-users.

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    Akshay Kv

    Byt bartender 10.1 sr4 trail version available in this official website. I am looking for 10.1 sr 3 trail version

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    Ian Ian

    Akshay: Why not download and install the Free edition of BarTender 2019?  Lots of functionality, up to date, and totally free of charge:


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