Slow Printing With Logo
I'm having a problem with printing one project of labels, the issue is with bmp file for sure.
everything works fine when graphic object is marked as "non print" then printer works continuously.
Number is serialised via VB script but it's not a problem, it does not affect the print speed - tested with "do not print this object" option.
Changing BMP size, even to 1,4kb also does not affect on printing speed.
technical facts:
printer CITIZEN CLP-7401
Bartender 7.10
Seagull drivers 7.3.5
Thanks in advance for any help and hints. Rgds.
This effect is always down to variable data being specified per label, and thus an issue command in the printer code being used per label.
The fact that the printer displays a quantity of 1 for each label indicates and confirms that the printer code being generated has a separate issue command for each label. Normally this is because you have some variable data on the label, such as what you get with a database connected label design for printing record data per label. The use of a VB script will also have the effect of deactivating print optimisation resulting with an issue command per label.
Perhaps you could attach the BarTender document (*.btw) file, so that we can take a look at it?
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sure, I was trying to add files via media libary... but to be honest i don't really know how to :)
I hope that dropbox links are fine enough :
thanks for your reply Ian !
PS. disabling BMP logo solve the problem... and printer works continuously.
here you can notice the difference, 40 labels w.out logo and another 40 label with logo.
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I took at look at your files. Your use of the event based VB script (OnSerialize) is the cause of the performance loss you are seeing as it results in unoptimised printer code. The printer code cannot be fully optimised as BarTender has to decide a value of an object on a per label basis as according to the VB script.
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ok, but as I said before, why does it affect only when BMP is enabled ?
Is there any chance to improve printing speed with logo and VB script ?
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Printing to file I see that only the serial number and the VB script calculated word are reimaged every issue command (label printed). Could it be that you don't have the "Allow Static Objects" and "Allow Serialization" performance options enabled under the "Performance" tab of the "Print" dialog? It should be the case that the picture object is only imaged once at the start of the print job, and is thus not relevant to any printing delay issue.
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Printing to file I see that only the serial number and the VB script calculated word are reimaged every issue command (label printed). Could it be that you don't have the "Allow Static Objects" and "Allow Serialization" performance options enabled under the "Performance" tab of the "Print" dialog? It should be the case that the picture object is only imaged once at the start of the print job, and is thus not relevant to any printing delay issue.
both options are enabled as well with graphic and format cache :(
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Enable the "Print to file" checkbox on the Print dialog and produce a modest print file (*.prn) to attach to this post for me to examine.
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I'm afraid this opion is not supported on my old version of BT - 7.10 :(
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You'll find it under the "Options" sub-tab of that dialog. Note: A printjob of 50 labels will suffice. Don't send a printjob for 1000 labels please.
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that's right - many thank's :)
and one more video, this VB script error "pop's out" as far I remember :
but maybe it has something to do with this issue.
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Have you enabled the format and graphics caching before producing the print job as I see no graphic data at all. However, I do see a recall stored format command that is used on a per label basis. Can you show me what you have enabled exactly under the performance tab of the print dialog?
Disable the caching, at least for the purpose of producing the PRN file that I can read in full.
Note that BarTender v7.10 is not Windows 7 compatible, so I imagine the VB script engine error is part of that problem.
*Please use the "More Reply Options" button in the form post to attach items rather than using Dropbox all the time.
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exacly, cache'ing was enabled during this print job.
[attachment=950:Zrzut ekranu 2014-05-28 18.24.16.png]
Sorted now, attached PRN file with static label and printer serialization enabled but cache'ing is disabled.
PS. thank's for "more reply options" hint, unfortunatelly prn files are rejected :( "You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file"
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The printer code is as optimized as it can be for your particular label design. To reiterate, it is the use of the event based VB script to conditionally change a text object on the label that deactivates the print optimizations that in turn means the image buffer needs to be refreshed each issue command to print a label.
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Ok, so there are no chances to make it working efficiently :(
I'm also wondering how to make it more automate. I'm always printing those labels in lot of 20.000 labels with consecutive numbering in decrement serialization, so I'm starting from highest number.
1000pcs in printing dialog after that 1 control label from another BTW file, and again, and again.... 20x times :)
20x rolls with 1.000 pcs with control label at the end, like that :
How could I make it more automate ?
PS. Many thank's for your help Ian !
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