Sending label to printer specified in document
Hi folks
We have been successfully printing labels to a printer specified in the designed label & through an integration. However, we now need to route the labels to a printer specified in the system output file (csv file).
Our label contains the following information in the header - this is a standard report style from our ERP, designed to work with Bartender
%BTW% /AF="reports/ReportName.btw" /D="<Trigger File Name>" /PRN="Printer1" /DBTEXTHEADER=3 /R=3 /P
I understand the printer info can be used to route the label accordingly, so the printer info may vary depending on how the user triggers the file. We have examples where the same Report type could be routed to any one of a number of printers, we have automated this appearing in the document but just wondering if you had any pointers for ensuring our integrations are setup correctly to look at the document for the printer info? Presumably I need to tell it where to find the info, but just not sure where to do this...
The /PRN = command will override the label selected in the label design and send the job to the printer specified in that Commander Script command string.
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