Printing From Bartender To Cib Pdf Ok, From Commander, Commander Hangs
When I print to mu CIB pdf brewer from Bartender it works fine, When I use Commander it hangs. The printjob is in the que, ut is not responding. When I stop commander, the job disapaers. Does anyone have ideas? (With other PDF programs it does seem to work, but then I do not get the correct pagesize)
Regards, Wim
When I print to mu CIB pdf brewer from Bartender it works fine, When I use Commander it hangs. The printjob is in the que, ut is not responding. When I stop commander, the job disapaers. Does anyone have ideas? (With other PDF programs it does seem to work, but then I do not get the correct pagesize)
Regards, Wim
BarTender is probably hanging up on a file name save requester dialog, which is going unanswered as BarTender is being controlled by automation. To avoid this you should set the PrintJobName option that will auto-name the PDF file being produced. Combining this with a Commander variable will ensure that a unique name is always used. For example:
/PrintJobName="%Trigger File Name%"0 -
Hi Ian,
I send the following:
%BTW% /AF=C:\Commander\Layout\dooslabel.btw /D=<Trigger File Name> /PrintJobName=test /PRN=CIBpdfbrewer /R=2 /P /DD
A10523;RB KERSENCARRÉ 40X120 G;08717154101812;1;tarwebloem, roomboter (21%), kers (19%), water, suiker, gemodificeerd maiszetmeel, ei, zout, plantaardig vet (gehard), conserveermiddel (E202);Korstdeeg met roomboter en kersen;Bereidingsvoorschrift: ± 30 minuten ontdooien, oven voorverwarmen op 230° C en ± 25 minuten bakken bij 190° C met schuif open.;01-02-14;PO-13-0002;40;120;Opslag en transportcondities: Bewaren bij minimaal -18° C, na ontdooien niet opnieuw invriezen.;Produkt wordt gemaakt in een bedrijf waar ook pinda's en noten verwerkt worden.;8717154101812;140201;02-01-13;130102;1
The result looks like the attachment.
If I use only the database information from BT and print, it works fine. the strange part is that they are waiting on each other, I have to stop commander and then the printjob disapears.
Regards, Wim0 -
You have made a number of errors in your Commander Script. Try this instead, exactly as written:
%BTW% /AF="C:\Commander\Layout\dooslabel.btw" /D="%Trigger File Name%" /PrintJobName="%Trigger File Name%" /PRN="CIBpdfbrewer" /R=3 /P /DD
A10523;RB KERSENCARRÉ 40X120 G;08717154101812;1;tarwebloem, roomboter (21%), kers (19%), water, suiker, gemodificeerd maiszetmeel, ei, zout, plantaardig vet (gehard), conserveermiddel (E202);Korstdeeg met roomboter en kersen;Bereidingsvoorschrift: ± 30 minuten ontdooien, oven voorverwarmen op 230° C en ± 25 minuten bakken bij 190° C met schuif open.;01-02-14;PO-13-0002;40;120;Opslag en transportcondities: Bewaren bij minimaal -18° C, na ontdooien niet opnieuw invriezen.;Produkt wordt gemaakt in een bedrijf waar ook pinda's en noten verwerkt worden.;8717154101812;140201;02-01-13;130102;10 -
Hi Ian,
Have tested with your sequence and have the same result. Any other ideas on this problem?
R, WIm0 -
Have you ever tried CutePDF or PDFcreator from SourceForge? I know from direct experience that both of these work without a problem.
To fault find your issue I suggest that you run Commander as an application and then make the BarTender process visible, so you can easily see what might be going wrong. See the below trouble-shooter for further help:
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