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Xml Data Will Not Print Out On Label



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    Ian Cummings

    1.  Any reason why you have a third command (the BarTender command) in your task?  Is this an additional, separate print job?  I ask as running the BTXML script command will produce the print job.


    2.  Can you send us an example of the transformed BTXML file so we can see what BarTender is trying to use.


    3. Try saving the transformed trigger to file, using the "Save to file" command, and then have the BTXML script run on that saved file.

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    Legacy Poster

    Actually we are changing our approach, we would like to be able to print a specific label depending on the trigger file for example:


    receipt1234.xml -> print using receipt.btw


    is this possible? and if so how do i go about this?



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    Ian Cummings

    In BarTender XML script you can specify the BarTender document to print so therefore your system itself can explicitly specify what and where you wish to print.  If the system is spitting out Oracle XML, I believe there is a field in that schema which specifies the document, which will appropriately get transformed to the correct tag in BarTender's schema.



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    <XMLScript Version="2.0">
    <Command Name="Job1">
    <Printer>HP LaserJet</Printer>
    <PaperTray>Tray 1</PaperTray>
    <RecordSet Name="Text File 1" Type="btTextFile">
    "FirstName","LastName","City","Zip Code" 
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    Legacy Poster



    Oracle is sending an XML file but in a different format than you have listed. i get a print out but i do not get any data on print out from XML file. my label references the variables listed in XML file, like client_item, item, and so on. Also i am not sure how commander knows what label to print give this format?




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE labels SYSTEM "label.dtd">
    <labels _FORMAT="GSC Label for Material" _QUANTITY="1" _PRINTERNAME="noprint" _JOBNAME="LBL14001">
    <variable name= "client_item">TEST PK</variable>
    <variable name= "deliver_to_loc"></variable>
    <variable name= "expiration_action_code"></variable>
    <variable name= "item">TEST PK</variable>
    <variable name= "item_description">Test Package Item</variable>
    <variable name= "lot_number"></variable>
    <variable name= "quantity">100</variable>
    <variable name= "receipt_num">25055</variable>
    <variable name= "receipt_date">25-Sep-2014 16:02:06</variable>
    <variable name= "supp_name">A&amp;B Ingredients, Inc.</variable>
    <variable name= "supp_part_num"></variable>
    <variable name= "supplier_lot_number"></variable>
    <variable name= "uom">EA</variable>

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    Domingo Rodriguez
    1. I suggest you to take a look at the Commander task list, Oracle XML files and BT documents at the following folder "C:\Users\%YourUserName%\Documents\BarTender\BarTender Documents\Oracle". These are sample files that we provide. Let me know if they run correctly for you.
    2. In your XML File, you're setting the name of the BarTender document to open via the  _FORMAT="GSC Label for Material" parameter, so "GSC Label form Material.btw" is the name of the BarTender document which would be opened.
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    Nathan Magyar

    still no luck


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    Nathan Magyar

    tried to fill in path location to the files and same error

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE labels SYSTEM "C:\Users\344820\Documents\BarTender\Integrations\Examples\ERP Integrations\Oracle\label.dtd">
    <labels _FORMAT="C:\Users\344820\Documents\BarTender\BarTender Documents\Formats\Ross\STORELABELPRINT.btw" _JOBNAME="StoreLabelCreate_045" _QUANTITY="12" _PRINTERNUMBER="Lexmark_tray1" _PRINTERNAME="Lexmark_tray1">
    <variable name="STORE_NUMBER">045</variable>


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    Nathan Magyar

    i think i got it to work


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    Nathan Magyar

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    Nathan Magyar

    does this mean it would print? i am working from home and not near the printer 

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    Nathan Magyar

    if i wanted my shared folder that picks up the file to be an Azure blob storage is this possible?

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    Rajeshwar Kondamadugu

    Hi Nathan,

    I have similar kind of problem, Can you share the the steps you did to achieve the label modification using xml file?





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