Auto Date 4 Months In Advance Of Manu Date
Hi guys hope you're all well.
I was wondering if someone could help me with a dilemma.
I have a label that displays used by dates of product in a gift we sell.
The user will add the the date of manufacture from a drop down on the prompt.
My question is, how do I get a 4 month sell by date to appear on the used by area on the finished label?
Iv managed to set it up so It projects 4 months from today's date, the only problem with that is some product are made on different days. I really need the script to take the 4 month on point from the value chosen in the drop down.
I've attached a couple of screen shots to show what i mean, the expiry date area has a red box around it.
Thanks in advance
Chris :)
Hi Chris,
I take it from the images that you aren't running BT2016 as there is a simple way to offset dates in that version and so you will need to use the DateAdd function to add the 4 months onto the Production Date of each product. It looks like these would need to be set as Event Controlled Post Prompt scripts too.
There is a bit on info in this forum question which may help.
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Hi Pete.
I'll check it out.
Thank you very much for your help.
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Good morning Pete.I'm still having trouble getting my head around this, please excuse my ignorance.My data source is named "DATE1" so with that in mind would my VBs read ...Value = DateAdd("m", "4", ("DATE1"),Date)As i say, please forgive my lack of knowledge on this, up until now the need for more complicated script hasn't been there.(Needless to say iv put in a request for a copy of BT2016) :rolleyes:Many thanksChris0
Hi Chris,
You do not need the ".." round the 4 for the months and to select the DATE1 you need to click on the Named Sub-Strings option at the bottom left of the VB screen and then double-click on the DATE1 to add it correctly so you should end up with something like
Value = DateAdd("m",4,Format.NamedSubStrings("DATE1").Value)
I hope that helps
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Thanks for all your help on this Pete.
ok so iv done all that and this is what i have...
Value = DateAdd("m",4,Format.NamedSubStrings("DATE1")
Unfortunately im getting an error message now thought...
<Line 1: Value = DateAdd("m",4,Format.NamedSubStrings("DATE1" : Expected ')'>
Again, thank you Pete.
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There needs to be a closing ) at the end of the string
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Hey Pete.
Thank you for your patience :s
I'm now getting a rather unhelpful script error.
<Line 1: : Unknown script error.>
lol .... I'm going to give this one more try then i think ill twist my IT departments arm a bit more for BT2016
Thanks in advance Pete, you've been an absolute star !
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Hey Pete.
Good news.... I have BT2016
Do you have a link explaining the DateAdd function you mentioned?
Many thanks
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Hi Chris,
You can find some information about the DateAdd function in the VB area's Help section, however the attached sample should put you on the right track I hope.
You will need to give each of the Products on your label a different "name" and add a VB field for each BBE date, adjusting the VB to look for the appropriate "name" add the 4 months onto.
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Pete, this is amazing!
Thank you very, very much for all you're help on this.
You're a star !!!
All the best,
Chris :D :D :D
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Hey Pete.
Just wondering if you might know why this is happening....
I change the date input method to a drop down list. This was so I could use the label template on PC running an older version of BT.
I managed to link a spread sheet with dates to the drop down, I then adapted everything from that point on so the dates were off set by 4 months. Everything works fine in CT2016.
However, if I open the template in an older version of BT and try to run it it throws up an error message.
<line 2 : : Type mismatch: '[string: ""]'>
Have you ever seen this before ?
Thanks very much
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