Is It Possible To Print In Bartender A Image In A File *.prn?
I have a printer "TOSHIBA TEC B-SV4" and I need to print a image in a file " *.prn o *.txt " and copy this format in my program.
The format is similar this and is a circle
Is it possible with Bartender?
Do you want to create a label design in BarTender that includes your picture, then for BarTender to export this label design into Toshiba printer code, which you can then embed for use in some other application? If the answer is yes then you need to use the Printer Code Template feature from the Automation edition or higher. Read through the following white paper:
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Hi Ian C,
Yes!!!! I want to extract the label code and execute it in my application, but the picture (circle) is code wrong.
I tested this option (print file) and it is ok except the picture (circle).
{SG;0066,0445,0160,0300,3,Ì€Àðÿÿÿø €Àþþ €À?ðÿ€ €ÀÀ€Àðñÿÿÿþø €Àøÿ€ €ààà~€ð €à,ðð€ €à(p>€ÀÀ €àx€Àx@0 €àP@ € P0ààð€ € `@ ` € à€à€ € ``@ € à€`0 € @@ € €0€ € @@ € €À` € @0`€ €@0`€ € €À` € @@ € €0€ € @@ € à€`0 € ``@ € à€à€ € `@ ` € P0ààð€ €àP@ €àx€Àx@0 €à(p>€ÀÀ €à,ðð€ €ààà~€ð €Àøÿ€ €Àðñÿÿÿþø €ÀÀ €À?ðÿ€ €Àþþ |}What am I doing bad???Thanks0 -
In the printer driver, via the "Document Properties" button in the BarTender Print dialog, select the "Options" tab and then choose a different graphics encoding method. Currently you have TOPIX compression selected. Try one of the other options to get the graphics encoding format you want.
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Thank very much Ian,
I changed TOPIX and I solved the problem.
But I yet have a doubt, when the two pictures are together horizontally. The (file print) is created like a picture.
I need (file print) like two picture. Because I need to know the dimensions and positions of every picture.
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Sorry, but graphical items in a BarTender print job are consolidated into a single bitmap in the printer code as this provides for the best optimization. Are you using the Printer Code Template feature, or just using the print to file feature?
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I just use the print to file feature.
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You should be using the Printer Code Template feature for this type of thing.
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I saw your link (http://www.seagullsc...ates-201406.pdf) But I didn´t understand well like working "the Printer Code Template"
Thanks for the information.
Best regards
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