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Automated File Naming For Pdf Printing



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    Legacy Poster

    Hi antilat1,


    You could use two or three digit sequence incremental number in the end of file name and sequence number can be reset at maximum number.


    I am looking for printing PDF through BTXML. is it possible for you to share the BTXML and VB Script? Thank you

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    Shotaro Ito

    if your pdf software takes Print Job Name as filename, you can specify print job name from XML / Commander / SDK.

    Job Name can be specified in <Print> tag's JobName attribute.

    Default print job name is btw document.

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    Legacy Poster

    Thanks Shotaro,


    What you suggest should work, but because of some issues with PDF printing I haven't been able to test it yet. According to my co-worker, when opening the btxml with commander, using PDF-XChange's document name macro should give the file the name thats defined here: <Print JobName="">. What I can confirm is that if you open the btxml with BarTenders File->Run btxml script this does not work! The file always gets the template's name.

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    Legacy Poster

    I'm experiencing weird issue with this file naming thing. It seems that for most of my templates file naming with <Print JobName=""> is working but for one template it's still just getting the templates name. No idea how to proceed with this issue.

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    Shotaro Ito

    Hmm.. Don't have a good idea - however is that because of template, or xml specified? any possibility that specified job name is not valid?

    What if you change failed btw file name to successful btw file name and try again?

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    Legacy Poster

    Tried to change name of the template to same name that I used for a working template. Also used the same JobName that worked with that other template, and still it gave the pdf the template name, not the JobName. I also tried to remake the template so that all printing and document options would get the default values again. I think the issue must be in the template because the XML is exactly in the same format (just different named substrings and different data table).

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    Legacy Poster

    Wow.. After hours of debugging (building new copy of the template piece by piece) I found out what the problem was.


    It turns out that for some crazy reason, file naming changes if you add a field that contains print job level datasource "total pages".


    This might be something you guys want to investigate. The lack of logic in this issue was drove me half insane.

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    Shotaro Ito

    Thank you antilat1. Sure - I don't see a point of doing that, and thanks a lot for the effort to pointing that.

    Reported to developer and hopefully fixed in future version.


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