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BarTender version compatibility



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    Peter Thane

    A bit confused as with 10.1 Enterprise Automation that should be licenced on a set number of printers and there is no such thing as an unlimited version (starts at 3, then 5, to 10 printers etc).

    A lot depends on what you mean be compatibility.

    • You can open 10.1 labels in 2022 and vice versa but only if the 2022 labels are saved as version 10.1  
    • You can open labels from a higher version (Enterprise Automation is highest) but any features that are exclusive to that version can not be used in the lower version. Since all features in Professional are included in EA then the same does not apply (subject to them not being features add to BarTender as a whole since 10.1 was released),
    • Higher features/companion applications, such as Commander (now Integration Builder) and Librarian would not be useable in Professional.
    • The licences are not compatible and would not "communicate" with one another. The way BarTender was licenced changed with the release of BarTender 2019 and Licence Server is no longer used.
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    Rudy Deca

    Thank you Peter for your quick reply. Just to make sure, I'd like to ask you a simple question: Is  BarTender 10.1 SR3 Build: 2954 older than BarTender 2021 R7 Version: 11.2/172970 (64-bit)? We have a case in which 10.1 SR3 Build: 2954 cannot open a label that has been created in BarTender 2021 R7 Version: 11.2/172970 (64-bit). If I  understand correctly, we should save this in BarTender 2021 R7 Version: 11.2/172970 (64-bit) as version 10.1. Then we could open this label in  BarTender 10.1 SR3 Build: 2954.

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    Peter Thane

    Yes, 10.1 came out about 2014 ish whilst 2021 was released at the end of 2020.

    If you use the File>Save As option in 2021 you should be able to adjust the version you are saving the label as in the drop down on there

    If you want to make this the default save option in 2021 then you can set this in the Administer>BarTender Document Setup screen instead



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    Rudy Deca

    Yes, I used File>Save As option to get a 10.1 version of the label. Thank you Peter for confirming.


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