I have a text file with the species to identify
can you please give a tip
this vb scripting was taken from an existing label the name (EU FIC Allergen Label.btw) and developed by Seagull
If you do not have an allergens field on the label and so are not using the label field to bold the allergens then you can just declare the species in the Allergens Named Data Source instead of the usual Allergens list
If you have the Allergens on the label too then this gets more problematic. I would suggest (for ease) copying the named datasources and amending the names by add a 1 to the end or similar ie Allegens1, Exceptions1, AllegrenStyle1.
You would then need to amend all the references to these in the VB in the label field to these revised names, eg
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Good morning, first I want to thank you for your help. Would it be possible for you to give me some more tips regarding situation 2? allergen and species on the same label
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Actually, even simpler, just add them into your Allergens list.
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Good morning,
Yes, but how do I put allergens in bold and species in italics?
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Are the species in a separate field or the same as the rest of the ingredients and allergens?
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The speciesand the allergens are on the same as the ingredients ( this field is a database one), but the allergen and the species have a txt file where they are listed
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