Locking templates
i have an issue with users changing the template and then complaining its not working properly for them. how do i lock the template but allow others to use and print from the template?
Harald Harald
★ BarTender Hero ★
You can protect your template with password, Menu File - Bartender Document Password
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Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
This would be dependent on the edition of BarTender you use as some of these may not be available:
- Librarian companion application, workflow of state of label designs with most users only able to access and print "Published" labels. Specific users granted rights to edit labels and then save/republish them - Enterprise Edition only
- In BarTender Designer and the Administer menu enable the Print Only Password option (not sure if this is in Starter or not)
- If not using the Starter edition then you could have the users with non design permissions to use either the Print Station or perhaps (BT 2022 Professional and above) the Print Portal applications. These are effectively "front end" applications that allow users just to be able to print although this includes any completing any database selections and print time user entry prompts (on Data Entry Forms in the label) that have previously been configured. They can not get access to the label design functions themselves. Print Station is a companion app on a PC and requires full install of BarTender whilst Print Portal is a web application where users log on to an application running on a central server via a web browser.
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it manager
★ BarTender Hero ★
Thank you both, i have added the bartender document password option and unticked open dopcument and print. anything else they try to do requires my password now :)
greatly apprecitated
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