Two printers, different layouts, one information input
Problem is, we read serial number from the manufactured product. After that we would like to have two different sized stickers printed with that serial number. We have two printers, one for the 44*16mm (for the product) and one for the 50*99mm (for the package). Can we do this with one bartender-file, and with one serial number input?
You could use an Action to achieve this.
- Create your two label designs linked to the appropriate printers. Configure any database connections and fields and give each a filter based on whatever filed you would normally use to perform the selection. If not using a database but need to transfer field data between one label and the next then make both pairs of fields Named data sources (I used SerOut for the source serial number and SerNo for the 2nd label)
- For your source label I would suggest having the serial number input added to a Data Entry Form and then go into the properties of that form and click on the Action button.
- On the Form Closed click the blue plus sign and select Print Document from the Execute options.
- Configure the settings to look for the 2nd label and once it was found this and loaded the details in to screens, if you select the Named Data Sources you should see all the Named sources on the 2nd label. You then need to click into the Value box for each and then use the Insert Variable to link these to the data from the named fields on your first label. If you use a database then you can set the value of the filter for the 2nd label in a similar manner
At print time this will then ask you to enter the appropriate data you have configured and when you press print on the form it will print the 1st label to the the linked printer and, in the background, open the 2nd label, populate with the data to be used from the 1st and print that to the other printer.
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