Windows 11 Oracle 19 compatibility
Good afternoon,
We are currently switching from Windows 10 to 11. We have some protocols that work directly with BarTender and Oracle through Oraclient 19c. We are running the following version of BarTender and getting 'OraOLEDB.Oracle.1 provider is not registered. I ran a registry protocol and it didn't work and was wondering if our current version of BarTender supported that. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thank you,
Kevin McNeel
Program: BarTender Designer 2016 R7
License: Enterprise Automation (10 Printers)
Version: (32-bit)
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise x64 build 22631
BarTender 2016 is no longer supported and not fully tested/compatible with Windows 11 and so that could be part of the issue. You could try upgrading to the last 2016 release (R9) and see if that helps.
Saying that, I think the last time I came across the provider not registered error it was actually to do with the ODBC/OLE driver itself and not BarTender, but I could be mistaken
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