BarTender Designer 2022 - Printing Multiple Labels Problem
I use BarTender Designer 2022 and I'm not sure if I'm in the correct topic.
I am going to try my best on explaining my problem. The reason we use BarTender is to print out a master label and 2 box carton labels. We have a master for every part no matter what. We only print 2 box carton per box. So if its not in a box its on a pallet which then we only print a master label. So we have a template for master labels which only prints 1 label every time and a template for box carton which prints 2 labels every time.
However when we open the print dialog(ctrl-p) and we select our database. Then we hit "Select Records..." it shows us the information we need to print the labels. The row number tab which depends on how many parts we have that given day. The quantity which that is where we input the value for how many labels we need printed. Super easy. We can click on the part that we want 2 box carton on. However when we need 4 box carton with a part number that's quantity of 50pcs. When we edit the information for quantity to 25 and print a different part number that's 20pcs that is 2 box carton. It will always print the row number that is the bigger row number to the closest row number near it
For example:
Row 10 has a quantity of 50pcs with a part number #1
I want this one to have 4 box carton. 25 pcs so 2 box label for each box (2 boxes total 2*2=4)
Row 93 has a quantity of 90pcs with a part number #2
I want this one to have 18 box carton. 10pcs so 2 box labels for each box (9 boxes total 9x2=18)
Row 100 has a quantity of 100pcs with a part number #3
I want this one to have 2 box carton. 100 pcs so 2 box labels for the box (1 box 1*2=2)
When I click the ones with the corresponding box carton amount. It will then print:
Row 100
1 box label(2 box carton) for 100 pcs part number #3 CORRECT AMOUNT
Row 93
1 box label(2 box carton) for 10pcs part number #2 WRONG AMOUNT
Row 10
2 box label(4 box carton) for 25pcs part number #1 CORRECT AMOUNT
If we remove Row 100
It will then print:
Row 93
9 box labels(18 box cartons) for 10 pcs part number #2 CORRECT AMOUNT
Row 10
9 box labels(18 box cartons) for 25pcs part number #1 WRONG AMOUNT
I'm sorry for such a long message, I tried my best to explain my issue. We have just been printing the labels based on how many labels that are similar to each other. So if 5 different parts need 2 box carton we will put all those together and print those. If others need 4 box carton we will print those, etc... If there is a way to print different quantity that would benefit us a lot. As we wont need to keep hitting ctrl-p, then selecting records and clicking the amount of labels we need. If we could just print all that information in one go it would really help.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Again sorry for the long message.
Not sure what is going on without more information. You could instead amend the quantity selector and change that to the default record selector and add a Data Entry Form that asks for the number of labels for each record when you print. You would need to add on a Read Only entry field (set to again Every Record plus with the Exclude from Tab Order enabled) on to the form too so you can tell what record the quantity is referring to
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Hi pthane,
Thank you for responding!
I have just tried that and it still prints like listed above and added more to explain my issue a bit further:Row 100
1 box label(2 box carton) for 100 pcs part number #3 CORRECT AMOUNT (I put 1 box label which is 2 box carton)
Row 93
1 box label(2 box carton) for 10pcs part number #2 WRONG AMOUNT (I put 9 box labels which is 18 box cartons)
Row 10
2 box label(4 box carton) for 25pcs part number #1 CORRECT AMOUNT (I put 2 box label which is 4 box carton)
Row 9
2 box label(4 box carton) for 20pcs part number #4 CORRECT AMOUNT (I put 2 box label which is 4 box carton)
Row 7
2 box label(4 box carton) for 50pcs part number #5 WRONG AMOUNT (I put 1 box label which is 2 box carton)
Could it have to do with the printer I'm using or maybe the way my template is created? Even though I can preview the labels those are correct but when I print, it will print like listed above.
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Are you trying to print two templates at the same time from the same label format?
Is the number of box cartons required recorded any where or that a manual input?
Is it always just 2 or 4 copies?
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Sorry for late response.
I have two different templates.
A master template which WORKS since it's 99% of the time just 1 single label.A box carton template that by default always have 2 copies. We have to manual input this information. What I'm trying to do is print multiple labels at the same time on the box carton but when I do the row closes to the other will always grab the information above the row. So when I print 24 box labels of 10 pcs for a total of 120 pcs row 24 and 4 box labels of 10 pcs for a total of 20 pcs row 29. It will always print 4 box labels of 10 pcs for a total of 20pcs row 24 and 4 box labels of 10 pcs for a total of 20 pcs row 29 (Image below).
The quantity column (closest to the rows) is the amount of box labels we want. We adjust the quantity for part number pcs in our form that relates to the template.
Should have a total of 28 labels which the preview shows is correct. Image below. When printed however it will only print a total of 8 boxes like it prioritizing the higher row to the lowest row. It will print 4 box labels of 10 pcs for a total of 20pcs row 24 (wrong amount) and 4 box labels of 10 pcs for a total of 20 pcs row 29 (correct amount)
If I removed the row 29 and added a different row for example like 22(lower than 24) row 22 will also be 24 box labels(wrong amount) as well as row 24 which is 24 box labels (correct amount). Image below
Hope that helps! Thank you.
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Which R version of 2022 are you using? You could try changing the Record Picker to Checkbox and add a Second Data Entry Form that displays a Read Only (Exclude from Tab Order) text box that is specific to the item selected and an Every Record Number input box linked to Copies so that at print time the user enters the quantity for each displayed item separately.
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Hi Peter,
I am using BarTender Designer 2022 R8.
I have tried that before. I even made it so I could change the quantity for the part but the row thing still happens. It priorities the higher row every time. It will only work if it is a part by itself. Meaning we're only shipping one item. Normally we're shipping more parts than just one. Ill keep trying new things! Thank you for the help.0 -
Mine works correctly. Try removing and re-adding the database and see if that sorts it
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Hello Peter.
I have been testing with it for a bit now. Nothing seems to work. When I preview the labels it shows the correct labels that I need but whenever I print. It comes out wrong.
Do you mind showing what your Copies setting is when you hit Ctrl-P in the main screen. Image belowMine says "Quantity Source"
Specify quantity in print dialog
I have "Allow record selection dialog to override copies" enabled.
Should I be using something else possibly?
Also is there a way if the quantity is 100 and I tell it to print 2 labels it will then divide it by 1/2 so each label is 50
Or say if its a quantity of 100 and I want to print 4 labels will it then divide it by 1/4 so each label is 250 -
I wonder if it is a conflict due to your field names, as you have two quantities showing up in the table, As a quick test try renaming your Quantity column in the database to QTY or Box_Quantity or Quantity2 or something similar and see what that does.
Yes you can set BarTender up to calculate the number of labels automatically, but your " tell it to print 2 labels" would have to be a separate Data Entry and not connected to the number of copies value as you would need to use VB Script for that.
For this I would configure the print process to show a Data Entry for each record including a Number Entry box linked to a text field on the label but outside of the printer area. So the VB can reference this you would need to make this a Named text field also. Your record selector would also be need to set to a checkbox selector rather than a quantity. For the Copies vale on the File>Print screen, click on the option button to the right of the entry box and choose the Set by Data Source option
For example, with the Quantity field still called Quantity in the Database and manual entry field called NoOfLbls then the VB required would be this:
- For the Copies set the source to at a VB Script> Event Controlled Script and then on the Edit button.
- Leave the OnAutomatedEvent box as Value = "1" to give this field a default value.
- Next click on the OnIdenticalCopies setting in the column on the left
- In the coding area type
Value =
and then from the column on the right expand the Database Fields box and select/double click on the Quantity field to get something like this
Value = Field("messingtest.messingtest.Quanity")
then add
Value = Round(Value/
and then expand the Named Data Sources and click on the NoOfLbls to add this to the formula.
Immediately after this add ,1) which should give you something like
Value = Round(Value/Format.NamedSubStrings("NoOfLbls").Value,1)
Now add some new lines
Value1 = Value * 10
If (Right,Value1,1) = "0" then
Value = Value
Else Value = Value +1
end if
And that should be it
At print time after you have selected/ticked X records you will be ask to add the quantity for each, such as
And for each of these records you will be prompted to add in the number of labels value you want
and with 3 selected for the 2nd record this will give you 3 and 2 labels respectively (12/5 = 2.4 rounded to 3 and 6/3 = 2)
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SOLVED: Issue was my Media Handling was on Default device. Thank you guys for the help!
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