Creating a new page and table when a value in excel changes
I'm trying to create a template that prints a list of tracking numbers assigned to a customer. The data is being read from an excel file. I would like a new page to be create every time the customer name changes. The table included on that new page would also change to reflect the tracking numbers assigned to that customer.
Tracking Number | Customer | address info |
123 | A | 111 main st |
124 | A | 111 main st |
125 | A | 111 main st |
126 | B | 222 main st |
127 | B | 222 main st |
128 | B |
222 main st |
So this data would produce 2 pages One with Customer A listed at the top along with their address. A table would be below indicating 123,124,125 as their tracking numbers. Page 2 would have customer B listed at the top and their address with tracking numbers 126,127,128 in a table. For simplicity there are other fields included in the table but the only one that matters is customer name as it is what creates the next page and change in table values.
Hi David, this is is possible.
Bartender has tables inside labels, you would have to do a database conneciton to your excel file there.
I would suggest adding another sheet into the excel document, and extracting the unique values from the main table. Something like below:
=UNIQUE('Main Ledger'!B:C,FALSE)
this will get you the following unique items. This will the sheet connected to the main database conneciton of the bartender file. Here create a named data source for customer.
In the tables database, if you go to filter, here it should allow you to add a filter as such for the named data source. this basically helps with filtering the list to match the columns.
Then finnaly when you print it should look like this! Hopefully this is what you are looking for.
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