Data Entry Form multiple record selections
Is there an option to select multiple record in a form.
For an example I have a table of my orders and one column have the order number, one the item name, one the quantity and one the date.
I set the quantity to print from the quantity column and add a date picker to show the orders from today, now whats missing for me is an option to select multiple orders at ones I can only select one at a time with radio button list.
Adjust the Selector type to Extended and that will allow multiple selections.
My version seems to be playing up with the quantity selector at the moment, not sure why as it used to work, as all the records have a minimum value of 1 set so you may want to adjust the way the quantities are entered similar to my post near the bottom of this query:
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I am using radio button list and it dont have an option to adjust the Selector type. Record picker is not an option, because I want to print all items from the orders selected, without to need to select each item in that order
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A radio button only allows a single selection, you could add a filter to your database, say to select the order date and then add a record picker that would allow you to pick the ones you wish to print
(The above is using one of my dummy/test databases and is set to just show the records where the serial is greater than or equal to the specified value)
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Record picker will not work only if you will select each item from each order, I am looking to select the orders and it shuld print all items from the selected orders.
Sample data bellow, so will do a filter with data and than I am looking to select order 1 and 2 without the need to select each item under that order.
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Hi Moses,
It sounds like you want to pick one or more order numbers in a Data Entry Form, and then have Bartender automatically filter and print all items that fall under those selected order numbers on one label/page.
This is possible, you would need a helper column that returns a unique list of order numbers. For example, if your data is in Excel, for instance this is a formula you can use.
=UNIQUE(TableName[Order Number], FALSE)
Connect Bartender to the unique orders table from above. Create a named data source for this order number, this will be used for filtering the full order list later.
Now the full table of orders that you have needs to connected to Bartender's tables database instead of the main database connection.
Once connected here, in the same table Database Setup, under filter option, add a condition which filters data based on named data source setup for the unique orders earlier, this should be a selectable field.Now when you add a radio button or record selector data control into the form and select for example Order Number 2, you will get the following label.Hopefully this helps you out !
Also here are some documentations for Bartenders Tables:
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Sorry Raj, I dont think that is all needed as the order number looks to be already included in the database. instead a filter could be setup in the main Database Connection Setup linked to the order number and that would select all the records for that order and print them making sure that the "Copies" value on the File>Print screen is linked to the quantity field in the database:
I just used a simple text database for this sample, as I already had one setup for testing like this and this is it:
2222,Purple,2With record 1 selected this is the output
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I am not looking to print multiply records per template, I am looking to print multiply labels without the need to select each record just by selecting the order number it shuld print out all items (a separate label for each item) that is under that order.
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The image above is not a multiple records per template it is a print preview of a an A4 sheet split into 9 labels. If this was printed on a Zebra for example it would produce 7 labels not one label with 7 records on it
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