Linked Data Text not showing in BT template when printing or previewing.
Ran into a rather bizarre issue lately. I have a Bartender Template that consists of a GS1 Data matrix with AI codes 01, 17-expiry, and 10-lot and additional text fields for expiry and lot with symbols next to them. These all have data links to the input. The template size and printing area is 2.0" x 0.5."
What is happening is that human readable field for lot is not showing up during printing or during print preview. However the bottom line of the GS1 Data matrix(which happens also be lot number) and the Lot number symbol do not have issues appearing and in parallel with the human readable field for lot number. I figured out that by moving the text field for lot number up allows it to show up and I ended up having to extend the height of the template to 0.60" for it to work properly. This is very bizarre to me because these templates prior had not been changed the last month and were tested and printed repeated with no issue so I am not sure why is different now that is causing this issue. I have other templates that are the same style but do not exhibit the issue and I have other templates that have more content and don't exhibit the issue. Very confusing. Any ideas the cause behind this?
Hi Lawrence,
Welcome to the BarTender community forum!
It sounds like it could potentially be related to the printer drivers. Have the drivers been updated since testing? Are some labels printed on multiple types of printers?
Please feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions.
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