Difficulty on printing labels
Dear all:
We are contacting you because we need your technical support with the bartender software. We have bartender software 2022 version# 11.3 and we need your help with the following:
1. We are printing barcodes labels in set of 10 labels for each barcode (see below). In the past, when we used another software, we were capable of printing for each barcode as much sets of 10 labels as needed. On the Bartender BT software, we can only print up to 10 labels per barcode. If we need more than 1 set of labels we will need to do it manually. For example, if I want to print the following barcodes (A5555, A5556, A5557, A5558, A5559 & A5560), the Bartender can only print up to 10 labels per barcode number; the previous software could print an indefinite number of labels depending on how many sets were requested to be processed.
2. The barcode format we use is composed of 5 characters for example A5555. We need to know how we can add 2 digits at the end of the of each barcode number. For example, for barcode number A5555, we should print the labels: A555501, A555502, A555503, etc. (see attached)
Currently we can only do that manualy but, because we require to print large quantities and in order to prevent any human error during the label print, we rather prefer that the system creates each label automatically .
Is this request feasible?
If you'd like to schedule a Teams videoconference to train us on how to solve all this difficulties explained above, we are available: Monday thru Thursday 9:00 till 18:00 Israel time which is currently GMT +2.
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