How to split date into numbers
I would like to split date into numbers.
For example from date 26.11.2019 I need make something like this : 20216119 (yydmdmyy) - I need to work with every number of date separately.
Is it possible? :)
Thank you.
Where does the date come from? If it is always the date of printing then you could just add on field with 7 sub strings in it and then Use VB to pick out the bits you want:
In order the VB needed would be
String 1: (YY..)
Value = Now()
Value = Year(Value)
Value = right(Value,4)
Value = Left(Value,2)
String 2 (d.)
Value = Now()
Value = Day(Now)
If Value < 10 then
Value = 0
else Value = Left(Value,1)
end if
Value = Value
String 3 (M.)
Value = Now()
Value = Month(Value)
If Value < 10 then
Value = 0
else Value = Left(Value,1)
end if
Value = Value
String 4 (.d)
Value = Now()
Value = Day(Now)
Value = Right(Value,1)
String 5 (.M)
Value = Now()
Value = Month(Value)
Value = Right(Value,1)
String 6 (..YY)
Value = Now()
Value = Year(Value)
Value = right(Value,2)
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