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BT2019 Select external data source file dynamically at print time



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    Peter Thane

    If this is for reprinting batches and label runs, have you thought about using Reprint Console as that is what it is designed for?

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    Pierre Jaminon

    Indeed that was the first thing I thought about but the ability to reprint would be given to production workers. They must have limited access to what that can access to. I don't want them to access all the jobs and I don't think there are security settings within the reprint console as this is the case for instance in Print Station.

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    Peter Thane

    Yes, all you can do with security and Reprint Console is either prevent a user from running the app or not (set via Security in Administration Console). 

    Is this just for one label format or if not is the name of the label format stored in the REPRINT_PROD_#####.txt file?

    There probably is a way via Integration Builder and an Action as use having been working with above.

    Something like 


    • Set the Variable as above 
    • Copy that file to a new location

    Integration (set as File integration)

    • monitor above location for a file
    • trigger when seen  to open (in background) the appropriate label - either a specified format or as recorded in field X of the trigger file
    • Print the label using the trigger file contents as the databbase
    • close BarTender and delete the trigger file. 
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    Pierre Jaminon

    Thanks Pete but the idea is to avoid the use of additional integrations which would increase the amount significantly.

    I finally found out a way to reuse the initial trigger files and sent them back to the original integration job just by renaming and copying them to the scanned folder. I'm using actions within the form action pane the achieve it.

    Using that method suggest that you fake the print of the selected document in Print Station by printing a PDF into a temp folder. Otherwise Print Station throw an error message when you cancel the initial print.

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    Peter Thane

    is the error the number of tries exceeded or something like that?  If so I think that is just an annoying warning and you can amend the Print Station settings not to show this. 

    If you aren't using the delete trigger file when done option you may want to include some form of maintenance routine to purge the old files after a period of time. I upgraded a customer recently and their old integrations used the rename option only and it turned out there were getting on for 1 gig in old trigger files that had built up over the years. 

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    Pierre Jaminon

    That's exactly the message I get. However there does not seem to be a way to get rid of it in Print Station admin settings as the minimum message level to show is "Error".

    And indeed, files that we need to keep for reprint purpose are flushed after a period of time. I try to limit as much as possible the amount of files in folders.

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    Peter Thane

    I am using 2019 R9 and have set my Print Station to error only and I no longer get that waring, 

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    Pierre Jaminon


    Not sure we're talking about the same message.

    You can clearly see in my previous reply that the message is flagged as an "Error" with a nice red cross, not a "Warning".

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    Peter Thane

    Yes I know, but I recently installed the latest version of 2019 (R9) and do not seem to getting that message any more.

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    Peter Thane

    .... I do receive the error if I cancel the print process part way through 


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