Windows error code was returned: -2147417829 Error message: Access is denied.
We are in very old environment. We have BarTender 9.4 installed on a Windows 2003 Server and uses Commander to print labels with data from our ERP-system. Some label printers have print queues locally installed on the server, they work fine. Other printers (regular office printers) are on a central print server, they stopped working two days ago. We can print from other apps but not from BarTender, so nothing wrong with print server or printers, at least not when using newer apps. When sending prints to the office printers I get the following message in BtMsg.txt.
"2021-09-24 11:54:17 3721 Error Printer OK BarTender cannot use printer '\\print_server_FQDN-name\printer_name' to design, print or export a label format due to a printer setup problem. A Windows error code was returned: -2147417829 Error message: Access is denied."
"2021-09-24 11:54:17 3628 Error Miscellaneous OK BarTender failed to create any labels. Please check your setup and try again."
Despite having had some errors duing the years I have never seen that error code or the last message before. "BarTender failed to create any labels." What does that mean and what is causing it?
Any ideas on where to start traceing?
Thanks & Regards, Hans
It sounds like something on your system changed a couple of days ago (Windows Update perhaps) and this is prevent BarTender from accessing it.
Can you print from BarTender directly (ie not through Commander)? If you can then it sounds like it could be a permissions issue as by default Commander will run using a different set of credentials to if a user were printing from BarTender. Normally this is via a Local System account on the computer/server that is hosting Commander.
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Thanks Pete for your advice!
It turned out a patch had been installed on the central print server. After patching the print server asked for admin credentials which the account running Commander did not have.
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Hello Hans,
I am glad to hear this was sorted out! Thank you Pete for your help on this!
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