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Printer naming and Port configuration best practice to avoid Printer license errors when moving to new Printer Server.



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    Matthew Melton

    Follow up:  I noticed that when I uncheck the Share Printer in the Printer Properties dialog > Sharing tab that the Location in Admin Console is updated to just the IP address.  See screenshot:

    Will this incur the wrath of the license service as a new printer?

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    Laura Vela

    Hello Matthew,

    Welcome to the BarTender Community Forums!

    Just so that you are aware, we have edited out the images you have uploaded (blurred out the server name) to try and help protect your privacy.

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    Matthew Melton

    Thanks Laura!  I appreciate that.

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    Otto Roberson

    Dear Matthew, 

    Thank you for reaching us on the BarTender Community Forums!

    Our general recommendations to ensure a healthy license server and printing environment can be found in the article
    Error 1401: You have exceeded your maximum number of licensed printers:

    • USB printers do not move locations or between computers.
    • Network printers are all installed in the same manner on all computers across your network.
    • Different PDF and document printers will count as different printers in your License Server (only applies to BarTender v2016 and earlier).
    • Each printer has the same information for all four of these attributes:
      • printer name
      • printer model (driver)
      • port number
      • printer location
    • You are up to date on the most recent revision or service release. You can find our latest releases here: Service Releases
    • Set up notifications in your License Server to email you when you've exceeded your printer count.
    • Set up Printer Groups in advance which will help you to set your priority based printers (only available in BarTender v2019 and later)
    • If you are using a Citrix or RDP environment, please install the Seagull License Server Remote Assistant: Using BarTender with Remote Desktop Services and Citrix XenApp

    For BarTender 2019 and newer, Printer Based Licensing is used.

    When printing, BarTender sends the print job by using the local or network printer driver that is installed on the workstation. BLS identifies unique printers by processing information that is received from the printers themselves. For locally installed printers, this information includes the printer model and port; for network printers, this includes the printer’s IP address and TCP port.

    BLS adds the printer to the used printer list if the printer is not already in the list. If the printer is in the list, then BLS updates the printer's Last Used field.

    If you are having issues with the printer licenses due to the server replacement, you can also log a ticket through the Customer Support Portal so that we can try to assist you further.

    Best regards,

    Otto Roberson


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