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Old Printer Name on New Print Server


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    Xabier Clemente

    Hi Tomas,

    Thank you for reaching us in the Community Forums!

    There are a few things we could try in order to fix this issue:

    • First, does the new printer share the same name the old printer had? Sometimes, depending on the environment's setup, this can lead to issues, such as the one you are mentioning. Changing the printer name to a new one is often the solution.

    • Have you tried redeploying the integration? If not, I would recommend going to the Administration Console's "Integrations" tab and redeploying the faulty integration again.

    • Finally, could you provide us with a screenshot of the error message? Even if they share the same message, oftentimes error codes can be different, so viewing the whole error message will be helpful to us.

    Thank you in advance.


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