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Printer Maestro - Failed Login Attempts under username "$Printer_Maestro$"



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    Xabier Clemente

    Hello Alec,

    Welcome to the BarTender Community Forum!

    Could you tell us what BarTender version, edition, and service release are you currently using? You can find this information by accessing the "Help > About" menu in BarTender Designer.

    I understand some similar issues to the one you are reporting were resolved by upgrading the service release of BarTender to the latest release; upgrading BarTender 2019 from R5 to R10 seemed to resolve the issue for one of our customers.

    You can find our latest service releases for BarTender on our Downloads webpage. In case you are not using the latest service release, please take a moment to review our How to Update BarTender to the Latest Release article before upgrading the software.

    Thank you.

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    Alec Bogart

    Hi Xabier, 

    The users that have this issue are running BarTender 2016 R9-3160. 

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    Glen Dimplex

    We are getting tons of $Printer_Maestro$ login failed errors from all of our stations that user Bartender 2021 for printing labels.  We are getting security notices from our vendor who monitors our network pertaining to these failed logon attempts.  How can we stop the these failed logon attempts to stop.

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    Glen Dimplex

    I found my own answer.  I found the older version of Bartender 2016 R3 installed on the computers causing the login failed errors.  I'm going to uninstall and then I should be good


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