Template printing across two labels?
An issue I cant work through presents as a template that seemingly is setup correctly in BT but for whatever reason is printing across two labels with the data is being scaled up considerably. I have had a look at the settings for each field and they are scaled at 100% (font) but I dont think this has anything to do with the way the label is printing.
The ZD421 is feeding correctly, has the correct driver and is calibrated but whenever I print the label I have created it prints across two labels even though the print preview shows as one label with all fields in the correct positions.
If anyone has any ideas as to what to do next to work through this issue or even solve it I would be greatly appreciative as it has confounded me.
Have you installed the correct DPI driver version? A 300dpi image sent to a 200dpi printer will print the fields in the wrong places and the text will likely to be a different size too.
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We have the same issue across several printers, and this has nothing to do with dpi. We are awaiting Seagull to tell why it is happening and how to stop/fix it. We upgraded from 2016 to 2021 and since the upgrade we have the issue!
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That's a weird, I have updated lots of customers to 2021 and not come across that. Will keep a look out for it.
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Thanks Peter & Anders,
BT advised that we upgrade to 2022 R2 and download the appropriate drivers. I did that earlier this morning and now can print the labels with no issues so we now have a slowly evolving static label.
Now to the next step, creating a form so this label becomes dynamic and can be printed across the warehouse. Any and all help will be appreciated if anyone has any tips other than what is mentioned in the "Creating Data Entry Forms" video because whilst the video is good it isnt completely clear on how to make a static label dynamic at this point of my/our evolution with Bartender.
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Hi Shane,
I am glad you have had some progress.
For the Data Entry Forms i normally create the layout of my label first and then move on to the Form.
You can stretch the size of the form easily using the ringed controls round the edge of the panel and I often think is it useful to add am image > Preview of Template on the form as this will change/fill in as the users enters the data.
From the Data Entry Control drop down you can select various different types of entry and in the image above I have added a Text, Number and Month Calendar option.
Once you have added the entry box you then need to link this to part of the label and this is achieved by going into the Properties of the entry.
Below are the properties of the text input box and for this I have amended the Text Label box to "ask" the users to enter the code. The Linked Data Source is very important as this is the field that the entry is linked to and this can even be a lookup/query prompt entry you have set in a database that is linked to label and this query/filter will appear in the list on the right.
For the sample below, I have given the barcode a Name and have also linked the Text field to this name so that when ever I enter the "code" it will appear in both the barcode and text field.
The date is linked to Month Calendar entry and the number box is linked to the number of labels to print.
At print time the entry screen looks like this:
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Hi Peter,
thanks for offering your support. Its appreciated.
I was having a bit of difficult time with the form this morning trying to understand the relationships between it and the label, but I have just found a .mp4 as recorded by someone from BT for Small Business and it is really helpful.
Going to watch the rest of it tomorrow and see if that sheds any light on the mental blockage, I have with the label workflow presently and I may add to this thread.
Thanks again for your help,
BT Beginner!
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