Fixed barcode length and human-readable numbers?
Hi, my first time using Bartender or any barcoding system for that matter. I run a rental company that needs stock to be barcoded. I want to copy the way other companies near me do their barcoding as it seems extremely efficient and streamlined.
I'm trying to work out how to have a barcode that is fixed in length (so it doesn't need to be adjusted on my template), has a fixed number of number characters, serialized, and have the option to change the first character of the human-readable value to an identifier.
For example:
Normal stock items will have a barcode that scans as "000001" rather than just "1"
Special stock items will have a barcode that scans as "P00001" rather than just "P1"
I've played around with a few barcode styles and none of them seem to offer this 6-digit format. I can't enter the "0"s before the serialised number at all in the data source field, nor can i see any options to enter a template for this to follow.
To be clear, the input for my asset management software needs the full 6 digits to work correctly.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I would suggest using a Code 128 barcode symbol and you could set the barcode up with 2 separate strings, namely the P or 0 and then the serialised element.
You can do this by using New Data Source button ringed in the bottom left in the image below.
For each string you can set a default/starting value, I used P and 00001 for the serial number. I could have just used 1 for the serial number and then used the Transforms > Number of Characters (X) to set this to 5, but instead I ticked Preserve Number of Characters option when I enabled serialisation.
If the special and normal stock items use a different serial number, so you can have both a P01001 and a 001001 then you could create two labels where the P and 0 are fixed or else you could make this a prompted field by adding something like this to the Data Entry Form:
Note: I have used a List Input item where the Display Text and Value are different:
Please note you would need to save the label when you close it to retain the last serial number used
0 -
This is absolutely perfect! Thank you!!
I did find a little workaround in using prefixes, but that requires manual editing everytime i go up an order of magnitude. Not an issue when you're 100k stock item in, but doing it that way is a pain until you reach there :D
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