Adding data source that is not in Bartender drop down menu
I need to create GS1 expanded stacked, and GS1 expanded barcodes with the following data structure:
(01) 00123456789012 (13) 221015 (10) ABC123
00123456789012 = GTIN
221015 = packaged date
ABC123 = batch/lot
There is already a data source for package date that will create the correct AI code (13) in brackets. However, when adding a data source for batch/lot, Bartender does not create the required AI code (10) in brackets. I can manually create this AI code, but it appears without brackets. If I create the brackets manually, the spacing adjacent to the brackets is different.
Can anyone advise the correct process to create the barcode specified above?
★ BarTender Hero ★
As you are not using the Wizard to create the code then the simplest way would be to add the AI 10 as a separate data string and then add the batch/lot as another after that and so the barcode would look like this
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