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How to filter through a dropdown list with radio buttons in Data Entry Form



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    Jose Adam Flores Sr.

    Hello, not knowing how are the dropdown's are filled, I would like to suggest

    to change Value's as shown below,

    Also if vbCr, doesn't give you a new line try vbCrLf, 

    Please let us know if it works or not,

    So if it works everyone else will be able to use the solution if they ever come across the same situation

    Thank you.

    Select Case Format.NamedSubStrings("RadioButton1").Value  
        Case "RadioButton1OptionA"
        if Format.NamedSubStrings("RadioButton2").Value = "RadioButton2OptionA" then     
          Value = "X" & vbCr & "...." 'in this you will be appending the values

        else if Format.NamedSubStrings("RadioButton2").Value = "RadioButton2OptionB" then
          ' Value="Y + vbCr + ...." in this format you are creating a whole string for the returning value
           ' and not the individual variables passed as separated values by a vbCr
    Value = "Y" & vbCr & "...." ' in this you will be appending the values, whatever the "...." means

        end if

    Case "RadioButton1OptionB"
        if Format.NamedSubStrings("RadioButton2").Value = "RadioButton2OptionA" then     
          'Value="X2 + vbCr + ...."
           Value = "X2" & vbCr & "...." ' in this you will be appending the values
        else if Format.NamedSubStrings("RadioButton2").Value = "RadioButton2OptionB" then
          'Value = "Y2 + vbCr + ...."
           Value = "Y2" & vbCr & "...." ' in this you will be appending the values
        end if

    end select


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    Peter Thane

    Have you tried adding the dropdown list onto a 2nd Data Entry Form too rather than leave on it on the same one as the radio buttons? I am not sure when the script would be run but it could be when the form opens. 

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    Michael Rowe

    How can I add a 2nd Data Entry form? I'm not seeing an option to do so at the tabs at the bottom of the screen.

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    Peter Thane

    There should be an option here:



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    Michael Rowe

    Hi Peter Thane,

    I don't have that option at the bottom of my window, do you know why that could be? 

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    Jose Adam Flores Sr.

    Please state what version of Bar Tender you are Using.

    In older versions of Bar Tender Like 10.1, it doesn't show that icon,

    in newer versions is available, Like I have 2021 version and it is available.

    But then gain, I don't see what exactly you are trying to accomplish.

    Maybe you should Download a 30 day trial of the Latest version and see if that helps you

    and if it doesn't do what you want to accomplish then no harm done.

    then it is time to try a different approach.

    Try describing the process of what you want to do instead of posting the vb code (Which you already did in the beginning)

    or if you have a format the upload it so it can be tested and see what you have done so far.








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