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License 'flexibility'


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    Xabier Clemente

    Hello Philip,

    Thank you for reaching us via our BarTender Community Forums.

    The way BarTender's Licensing method works is printer based, meaning any given license can be active and used in environments comprised of any number of machines. That being said, if you have been provided with 7 licenses for 1 printer each, then we would recommend either reaching the BarTender reseller who provided you with these licenses or our Sales Department; I believe there might be a way of unifying these 7 licenses so they can suit your needs; however, as this is an open forum and we would need your details, we would appreciate it if you could reach us.

    Hopefully we can get this sorted and you can start printing with BarTender in no time. :)

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    Philip Jackson

    Ah, ok, we are currently trying to get in touch with the reseller to see if this can be sorted out, so I'll let you know what happens.

    Another unrelated question regarding licensing if I may?
    Now that you've said that its printer based, I think there could be a potential problem with some Godex printers.
    We have bought six Godex RT863i printers from the same reseller, and I am currently setting them up, one by one, so they operate in stand-alone mode using the Godex label software to upload a label format into each one before deploying them onto the production lines. I am doing all this by connecting them to the workstation that is going to have the four totally different Bartender printers attached to it, and I noticed the Godex software uses Seagull printer drivers to work in Windows. These drivers are of course needed to create and test the labels created with the Godex software before the results are uploaded into each Godex printer, but is the installation of these drivers on this workstation going to interfere with the printer licensing for the four Bartender printers? None of these six Godex printers will ever be used in conjunction with Bartender on this workstation once they have been deployed in stand-alone mode, but I could need to reconnect them individually to this workstation to update/upload new labels to them from time to time. Lets just say I can't NOT see this interfering with the licensing...

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    Peter Thane

    If you are not printing using BarTender, even if using Seagull drivers, this will not count towards printer usage as far the BarTender licence is concerned 

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    Philip Jackson

    Regarding the licensing question again, just to be clear, I have been given seven licenses in this format, all with a 1 on the end:

    XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX,Professional,BarTender 2022,1

    So as a printer will only get 'registered' if Bartender sends it something to print, could I use one of these licenses to run two printers on one workstation that has already been licensed with one printer, or doesn't it work like that? Are these licenses strictly for one printer per workstation and nothing more?

    I'm still trying to get back in touch with the reseller regarding this, no word yet. I don't want to start using any of these licenses until I know how they work, as our IT has been bitten before by other fairly rigid licensing requirements.

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    Peter Thane

    The licences are for 1 printer. You could print to the same one printer from BarTender installed on 100 PCs and as long as the printer is shared correctly to each of those would use the same single printer licence. 

    Admin Console can run more than one licence and so you could have multiple printers on the same PC but linked to different BarTender licences. I could be wrong, but for this I think practically you would have to configure a Printer Pool for each printer and then link each Pool to a different licence. It could be done but would be a bit of a pain to do especially if you have one PC with 4 printers linked to it 


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