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Bartender license in a version and client in another version


2 comentarios

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    Jasper Wen

    Yes, License Server is backwards compatible with old version of BarTender clients. You can have 2016 License Server installed on a dedicated computer and client machines running older versions of BarTender connect to the 2016 License Server. However, the other way around will not work.

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    Erik Muldbjerg Sørensen

    I have a related question. I have 2016 installed on my development machine but need to support an older installation at a customer with version 10.1. Therefore I link with the 10.1 DLL. I have a test machine with 2016 also, and when I run the application here it replaces the DLL automatically with 2016 DLL and startup correctly. 

    But on my development machine I get an exception that the 10.1 assembly could not be read. Why can I not run the application on the development machine ?


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