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Export the BarTender file to Word and edit it


3 comentarios

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    Xabier Clemente

    Hello Ran,

    Thank you for reaching us via our BarTender Community Forums.

    Unfortunately, currently, there is no way to export a .btw file to Word in order to edit it. Could you elaborate a little bit further? What do you need to edit exactly?

    Thank you.

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    ran sand


    thanks for the reply.

    I want to present and edit the label in a Word file.

    following revision changes on the Word file I need to redo the label and copy the image to Word.

    if I could edit the text in the label on the Word file, then I won't need to redo the label.


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    Peter Thane

    Quick question, have you looked at Librarian and the revision control system this allows? With this you can edit the label in BarTender and make a new version but that cannot be used in a live environment until it has been published. 


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