Integration service error starting intergrations
Our system was working until about two weeks ago now we are receiving. 2023.08.07.144959|57231058-777c-4d0f-862a-da0c30b6de15|Batch|ERROR|Failed to log on using account 'domain\account'. Verify that the user account exists, the password is correct, and that the account has rights to run this action. System information: Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.
The password has not expired or changed prior to the failure. There are some new Group Policies in AD but the account that the integrations use is in the administrators group on the server and not subject to the policies. we are on Bartender 2016 R9 and due to the nature of the server we are unable to upgrade at this time to a newer version
Hi Jospeh,
You mention that there were some new group policies. Please ensure that your service account specified for the integration has the group policy "allow logon locally" (you can't run a service or a task without this).
According to the Integration Article, ( account must have the following properties in order to run the integration properly
- be a member of the local administrator's group (required for messaging, accessing temp files, and accessing the file structure unhindered to retrieve labels, etc)
- have domain level access (to access any networked printers or drives)
- have the group policy "allow logon locally"
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