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Linking 2 .xlxs files to pull filnal DB field


2 comentarios

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    Peter Thane

    If you add a 2nd database then the Joining table box will appear and you need to configure this to tell it that field 4 in the first table is the same as field 9 in the 2nd for example

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    Robert Zappala

    Hi Peter,

    Thank you for the tip, that worked great. my test data was able to complete the query and fill the table field on the label.

    with that success, the team has come back with an extension to the original request.. with now 4 different sheets in the same work book. 

    all with the same headings, but for each state in question

    i recognize that i need to bring the tables in. but fail at the Join stage.. 

    the aim is to basically have the 4 pages joined as one, and then search via postcode and pull out the service area 


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