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Reprint Console Error


8 comentarios

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    Fernando Ramos Miracle

    Hello LogicPD,


    1. From the looks of it, I'd say that the main issue is related with user access to the "C:\ProgramData\Seagull" folder and sub-folders. Could you please make sure that the user running BarTender/Reprint Console has full access over this folders?


    2. Also, could you please consult BarTender's logging options (from the "Administer>Log Setup..." dialog, under the "Database Log" tab) and verify if you are saving the document when logging the print job information?

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    Legacy Poster

    What is very strange is that the error only happens on larger print jobs.  So if I try to reprint a job with 1-50 labels everything is fine.  But if my job has 150+ labels then we get the error. 


    I'm attaching a picture of our logging setup - I believe everything is as it should be.



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    Fernando Ramos Miracle

    Hello LogicPD,


    Could you let me know what version, edition and build of BarTender are you working with?


    *We haven't seen any sort of this issues with our latest release (v10.1 SR3, build 2954).

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    9.3 SR2

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    Domingo Rodriguez

    Do you also have this problem when doing the Reprint using the original computer and sending the print job to the original printer? 


    What printer make and model is in use? What printer driver (and version) have you installed for this printer?


    Please attach the BarTender document (.btw) in use (and database file if applicable) by using the "More Reply Options" button.

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    Legacy Poster

    The job is originally printed by the commander service, so there is not a specific PC unless you want us to try it from the reprint console on the server?


    The printer is a Zebra 110Xi4 and we are using the Seagull drivers for it.  The specific driver is Zebra ZPL-II Driver version 7.3.1.


    This happens with different .btw files...





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    Domingo Rodriguez

    Some background from our developers and some way to possibly fix it.


    With a print job that is logged for reprint or history explorer, we store a copy of the format (at the time it was printed) inside the system database. When you go to reprint this document again, we save the format that exists in the System database to a temporary file. This is the file you're seeing the error message for. During this reprint operation, we also set a timeout for the system to come back later and remove these temporary files after what we assume to be enough time for the task to complete. However, since you're reprinting a large print job, this timeout seems to be too short, and the system is deleting the temporary file before we can actually finish the reprint task. The default is 60 seconds.


    As a work around for this, you can change these timeout values by modifying the BtSystem.Service.exe.config file within the installed directory of BarTender Suite. This file is a XML configuration file, and the timeouts can be changed by adding the following XML to the file between the "<configuration>" tag and the "<runtime>" tag.


        <sectionGroup name="applicationSettings" type="System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089">
          <section name="Seagull.BtSystem.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false"/>
          <setting name="RequestManagerTimeout" serializeAs="String">
          <setting name="EngineTimeout" serializeAs="String">


    The value for the "RequestManagerTimeout" is the timeout that needs to be changed to prevent the document from being deleted off of the system before the reprint task is completed, and the "EngineTimeout" value is how long we wait before we think the Reprint engine has become unresponsive and we force it to close. Both of these values are time spans measured in milliseconds, so in the above example, we are waiting 7.5 minutes. Both of these values should be set to the same value. You don't need to worry about the high value (7,5 minutes). Changing it to this value should help to solve the problem you're having.


    Furthermore, please notice that in order to change this value, you will first need to stop the following Windows Service: "BarTender System Service". Once you finish applying the changes to the config file, the service can be restarted.

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    Legacy Poster

    Thanks - we will make the changes and give it a try.




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