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Btmxl Printer Value Substitution


13 comentarios

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    Domingo Rodriguez

    Does the entire trigger file content need to be converted to BarTender XML Script, or just the tag you mention above? If you just need to transform this tag, you could make use of the "Transform" command in Commander inside one of your tasks. You would then choose "Filtered Trigger Content" as the source and use a "Search and Replace" Transformation. You will replace "PrinterID>" with "Printer>".


    After running the "Transform" command, you would then process the trigger file with a "BTXML Script" command.

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    Legacy Poster

    Thanks - that's really helpful! There are several tags I believe I'll need to transform - for example there's another one that designates printer tray.

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    Domingo Rodriguez

    When sending an XML file for Commander to process, you've three options:


    1. You directly write the XML Script document in BTXML-Script (BarTender XML Script). This is the recommended option whenever possible.
    2. If the XML Script file you're generating doesn't differ much from the structure of BTXML-Script, you can then use the "Search and Replace" Transformation.
    3. If the XML Script file you're generating does differ substancially from the structure of BTXML-Script, you will need to write an XSLT Transform file and make use of this file by selecting the "Transform > XSL Stylesheet" command in Commander.
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    Legacy Poster

    Thank you again for your response - they really help! Because I am using the Demo Version until our licence key arrives I cannot see when mapping a data source onto a new label template how I can select a NamedSubString from a BTXML Script onto the label? Can you send me some screen shots that show the process of mapping data from XML onto a label please?



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    Domingo Rodriguez

    This is documented in BarTender's help (press F1 key within BarTender) and can be tested without restrictions in the Trial Edition of BarTender if you've sufficient Trial days left:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <XMLScript Version="2.0">
        <Command Name="Job1">
                <NamedSubString Name="Product">
                    <Value>Chai Tea</Value>
                <NamedSubString Name="Price">
    In the above example, the name of the shared data source is "Product", and its provided value "Chai Tea"
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    Legacy Poster



    I'm trying to use Bartender Label Software (Automation Version, 10.0 SR4) and export the label as a layout / template in .ZPL format (for Zebra ZT230 printers) which  than will be used in our WMS Software to fill with .XML format and send directly to the printer. 


    How can I create a template that is like the .ZPL?


    Regards Marco



    layout: artlabel.zpl 
    data: artlabel.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE labels SYSTEM "label.dtd">
            <variable name="ARTNR">ESSENZA</variable> 
            <variable name="OMSCHRIJVING">Een artikel uit de database van Essenza</variable>
            <variable name="OMSCHRIJVING-2"></variable>
            <variable name="MERKNAAM">Essenza Home</variable>
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    Domingo Rodriguez

    If you're looking to export your BT document to a printer code template, find below the White Paper on this:


    One of the print systems we support is called "Zebra XML enabled", which might be what you're looking after.

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    Legacy Poster

    Thanks that brought me further. 

    When I Export the file as Template a .ZPL format is not available. I can select, SAP/TEC/TSC type but not .ZPL. When I'm in the Administer -> Printer Code Template Setup, I can see there is a Zebra XML Enable format. 

    I'm directly connected to a ZDesigner ZT230-200dpi ZPL printer.


    Do you have any idea how I can select the Zebra XML format as Export option?

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    Fernando Ramos Miracle

    In order to use this feature you'll need to work with our Seagull driver for your Zebra printer. You'll be able to download it from the below webpage:

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    Legacy Poster

    Hi guys!


    We currently are using and ERP System called NDS, we use
    commander to export a .dd file to a pre-mapped bartender label template we
    design.  But we are always having problems so we are going to start using
    XML.   I need to know how to setup XML for each of our vendors.

    Currently we have commander setup on every machine we use,

    we have commander scanning a folder continuously for a particular file (We use
    the name of the Machine)  commander finds the file when the “Print Pallet
    Label” radial button is hit in the ERP system which generates the .dd file and
    places it in a directory folder in which Commander is scanning and hence our
    labels are produced.


    How do I implement the XML file in it’s place?


    Our ERP system already spits out the BTXML document all i need to know is how to map our existing labels to the XML document.  

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    Fernando Ramos Miracle



    To use BTXML with Commander, you only need to change the command type to "BTXML Script" in the Commander task, and drop the file containing the BTXML script on the scanned folder.


    Remember that the BTXML already needs to contain the document to be used, the printer, number of copies, variable data...


    For more information on how to use BTXML script please read BarTender's Help documentation, you'll find guides, instructions, examples on all BarTender tags...



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    Legacy Poster

    Thanks, I have done that and Commander won't pick up the file any reason why it would not.  It picks up my .dd files still when i drop them in the scanned folder but not the .xml. I added a new task scanning the same folder with the same setting and changed it to BTXML in the Command type.  I then changed the Coding to UTF-8 as well and it still did not want to pick up the file.  I then changed it to Windows default and nothing.  It is like Commander is cannot see the doc.

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    Fernando Ramos Miracle

    Are the files being renamed?


    a. If the files are not being renamed, then there is probably something amiss with your task's configuration. Here you'll find some suggestions:


    - Make sure you don't use a mapped drive to link to the scanned folder, instead use a UNC path (\\ComputerName\SharedFolder). Windows services are not compatible with mapped drives (including Commander's service).

    - Make sure that the file extension your task is looking for is the correct one. In your case I guess it would be *.xml.


    b. If the file is being renamed but nothing prints there might be something wrong when BarTender tries to process it.


    - If you run the BTXML code from BarTender (using the "File>Run BTXML Script..." option), do you get the correct document printed?

    - Make sure your Commander service is running under an account with enough access rights.

    - Make sure that the BarTender command handler ISN'T running under a specific account, it will inherit the access rights of the service (this can be configured on the "Detection>BarTender command handler setup..." dialog, under the "User Account" tab).


    If the above doesn't help, please attach your Commander task list so we can take a look at it.




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