How To Use Xml?
how to use XML to print?
If you're wanting to know how to automate the printing using BarTender XMLScript, you can visit BarTender's Help (press the F1 key from inside BarTender) and now visit the "Automating BarTender > Automation with BarTender XML Script". You will find some getting started and a full reference of using BarTender XML Script.
If your system directly generates XML Script and you're wishing to know how to transform this file into BTXML-Script, please give me further details on the ERP System you're using.
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I am using oracle apps ERp to generate the XML what is the way to generate the BTXML-script and integrate the related BTW file to automate the label generation
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One possible way of automating the processing of the trigger file and printing of the BarTender document is by using our middleware software Commander. In the Enterprise Automation Edition of BarTender, you can use XML Script inside the trigger files.
Some more information on Commander:
If your system generates "Oracle WMS and MSCA" print requests, please note that Commander is capable of transforming this type of XML Script implementation into BarTender XML Script (see attached screenshot). Otherwise, you would visit BarTender's Help and take a look at the syntax of BT-XML Script in order to directly generated BT-XML Script trigger files.
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Thanks for the response, We followed all the commander sample examples and document as shared by you.I got to know commander examples 3 is one that suits us.
We will generate the xml using oracle wms in future,for time being we are looking if the bartender version 10 is capable of generating the label based on sample xml provided as a part of installation like (LPN.xml and LPN.btw).Currently we are using bartender version 6 and printing label using excel.For first time we are going to generate the label print using XML. We can test with the sampple LPN.xml and LPN.btw. Please suggest the way to achieve the same with task we tried with transform using commander but it ran successufully after placing LPN.xml file in Scan directory but no label got printed with LPN.btw using local printerPlease suggest the task.
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If I understand you correctly, you're trying to make use of the XML Script trigger sample provided in our BarTender Samples folder (the one for Oracle).
Have you also made use of the Commander task list "" which can be found on this same folder?
If yes, then start Commander as an application rather than as a service. Do this via the "Administer > Service Setup" dialog in Commander. Once this has been done, start Detection and choose "Detection > Show all Running BarTenders". You will see that a BarTender process (running in the background) will be made visible. Send now the "LPN.xml" trigger file and let me know what happens exactly in BarTender.
Does the BarTender document open? Do you see any error message? Does it print now?
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I created New task with trigger tab folder to scan to default Scan with files to scan for as .xmlUnder command tab set four task with below four commands in commanderTransform -- XSL Style Sheet(Embedded) as suggested by youBXTXML Script---/XMLSCript=%Trigger Contents%Send to TCP/IP Socket -- with local printer details(IP and Port)Bartender --- /AF="location of LPN.btw" /Pwhen I run it ran successfully and printed on local printer for sample file LPN.xml and LPN.btw provided with installation .Please confirm the task what I created is fine or do I need to make any change while configuring for the custom.xml coming out of oracle apps .Please also let me know how to map the field of xml to create the custom BTW.0
So I have a basic question and this is the only thread that even had some close to what I need.
We want to trigger every 30 seconds a call to a web service to retrieve data that we would then print.
1. Can commander be setup to trigger every N seconds?
2. Can we use VB Script in the label format to go and get data using HTTP. I found this VB Script code online and was wondering if it would work.
dim xHttp: Set xHttp = createobject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xHttp.Open "GET", "", False
' these values below 2 an 13056 are to ignore get errors
xHttp.setOptions 2, 13056
dim response = xHttp.responsetext
3. I can write the rest of the VB Script to parse out the data I need for the labels to print.
We have to get a proposal out to a customer ASAP and need to know if this is feasible.
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Thanks a lot for your help.
The only thing I want to clear let's suppose using Oracle apps coding using plsql we generate the XML file .
Do we need to move the xml file into Scan default folder ?
I need to define task List to inculde below commander in same sequence
Transform -- XSL Style Sheet(Embedded) as suggested by youBXTXML Script---/XMLSCript=%Trigger Contents%Send to TCP/IP Socket -- with local printer details(IP and Port)Bartender --- /AF="location of Custom.btw" /PHow to map the xml field to create respective custom btw.The end file which gets feeded to the bartender to print label is getting generated at what location.0 -
Have you tested and understood the way our sample task list "" task list works? Please note that this sample has a task which can be used to detect the trigger as a FILE, and a second task which can detect the trigger over TCP/IP socket. Use the one you require (it seems that you want to use the FILE option).
Does "" task list fits your needs? Is the XML being generated by your ERP in the same format as the ones we include in the "Oracle" sample folder?
Why would you need to use two additional commands "Send to TCP/IP socket" and "BarTender". "Send to TCP/IP socket" command is used for sending some information back to other end of the TCP/IP socket (in other words, to the ERP system which opened the socket and sent the trigger data). It is not used to print. Furthermore, why would you need to use a "BarTender" command when you've already used "BTXML Script" before?
I recommend you to first understand the samples we include, and if you've any questions on the samples, please let us know.
You can also contact the corresponding tech-support office by email / phone:
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Commander can trigger for variable information using any of the following sources:
- File
- TCP/IP socket
- Serial port
I take it that you're interested in using the TCP/IP socket approach? If yes, will the web service periodically send the variable data over the TCP/IP socket? Commander will detect new variable data each time you establish a communication over the TCP/IP socket. There are different ways of distinguishing one trigger from another by different trigger events (Socket becomes idle, number of characters receive).
If your web service would be capable of this, I believe you wouldn't require to use VBScript inside the BarTender document, because the variable data would already be received by Commander.
Please provide further information if my approach isn't valid for you.
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First of all thanks ton for answering to all my queries.
We are to create custom xml file for which the we need to create our own custom BTW label we will not use the sample provided by you.
Please validate if I define my own custom task what command I need to cover in that
Transform -- XSL Style Sheet(Embedded) as suggested by youBXTXML Script---/XMLSCript=%Trigger Contents%One more thing how the xml will map to the custom btw .What is the datasource I need to use while creating my custom BTW to populate the xml content .0 -
The web service needs to be called, it does not push data so that is my issue here, I need to have a time triggered event so I can call some VB Script that will call the web service, grab the data from the web service and push it to the label for printing. Is that possible? I could probably use the Windows Scheduler to launch it but that seems more like a work around to me
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In your first post you mentioned: "We will generate the xml using oracle wms in future"
If you aren't using Oracle WMS yet, what is the name of the ERP System which is currently creating your XML files?
If your ERP System is capable of directly producing an XML file in the format of BTXML-Script (BarTender XML Script), then you will just need to use a "BTXML-Script" command in Commander.
If your ERP System is producing an XML file different to BTXML-Script and also to Oracle WMS XML Script, you will first need to use a "Transform" command in Commander, and then a "BTXML Script" one. As part of the "Transform" command, you will need to supply Commander with a XSLT (XSL Transform) style sheet which will tell Commander how to convert your custom XML Script format in BTXML-Script.
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I see that you already got a response on your request here:
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when Executing the BTXML action in integeration builder through socker trigger, it taking more time to Excute the action
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I am evaluating bartender software for one of client, support Number is :TR-MZVYN-SPMCL-2VMAI Created socket integration builder, action is print BTXMl script, when post BTXML script am not getting response from socket integrater but the output variable coming from print BTXML script it contain out data I am write log to check ouput data , the same variable configured in the Properties response option , please let me know why am not getting response from socket trigerr.0 -
Hi Domingo,
I have installed the Bartender 2022 version and trying out sample for Oracle WMS/MSCA, based on document it says I need to run commander utility and it refers, but I do not see this file at all on my installation.
Can you please help?
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