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Change License Server On Multiple Clients


6 comentarios

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    Ian Cummings

    You would need to change the setting via the "Administer>Licensing Setup" menu item.


    However, the configuration is saved to the BTLM.ini file found in the "C:\ProgramData\Seagull\BarTender" folder.  I suppose you could run a login script to have this file replaced with a file that contains the new config.  You could even edit the file in Notepad by simply adjusting the "Address=" and "Port=" entries as needed.

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    Legacy Poster

    Thanks, that's exactly what I need!


    Is the file always located under "C:\ProgramData\Seagull\BarTender"?

    In all versions of windows?

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    Ian Cummings

    In older versions of WIndows (pre-Vista) it will be found in: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Seagull\BarTender

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    Legacy Poster

    Thank you sir!


    This is the batch file I will be using to deploy the file by using GPO:


    @echo off
    set ConfigFileOrigin=\\SERVER\share\ApplicationsInstallers\Bartender License Server Config Install\BTLM.ini
    if "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%"=="C:\ProgramData" (goto WIN7) else (goto WINXP)
    echo Installing under Windows 7
    set ConfigFileDestination=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Seagull\BarTender\BTLM.ini
    goto INSTALL
    echo Installing under Windows XP
    set ConfigFileDestination=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Seagull\BarTender\BTLM.ini
    goto INSTALL
    copy /Y /Z "%ConfigFileOrigin%" "%ConfigFileDestination%"
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    Ian Cummings

    Great, let us know how you get on.

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    Legacy Poster

    What? You don't have faith in my leet DOS coding skills? :lol:

    Well, I have good news: it works!

    I made a GPO with this as a computer startup script, and it's updating the config file as intended.

    Do not set it as a user startup script in the GPO, because the batch file needs Admin Privileges to overwrite the file (at least in Win7). As a computer startup script it runs under the system role, avoiding that problem.

    I added a couple of lines to the batch file for logging purposes:

    set LogLocation=\\SERVER\share\ApplicationsInstallers\Bartender License Server Config Install\logs
    echo %date% %time% Setup started. > "%LogLocation%\%computername%.txt"
    echo %date% %time% Setup ended. >> "%LogLocation%\%computername%.txt"
    echo. >> "%ConfigFileDestination%"
    echo. >> "%ConfigFileDestination%"
    echo ;Last updated: %DATE% %TIME% >> "%ConfigFileDestination%"

    This will create a log file on the server, so we can see on which computers it ran.

    It will also add a timestamp in the config file on the client (which is commented out by a semicolon).


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