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Error Trying To Connect To Bartender Sql Server Db From Remote Computer (#1047 )


5 comentarios

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    Ian Cummings
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    Dana Williams

    Hi, I have the same issue as above.  We have an existing installation on a Remote Desktop Server that is our SLS and Bartender Application Host.  We are working to not have users need to remote into that server in order to use Bartender, it would be better if they could use it from their pc.  I've installed Bartender on my computer, but receive the error above when connecting with the SQL Server user I created for this.  I followed both of the tutorial videos posted above but still cannot connect with SQL Authentication.  No firewalls are between my pc and the server, so it isn't a firewall issue.


    Any ideas?

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    Dana Williams

    I finally figured it out, SQL Server Surface Area Configuration was set to Local Connection only, setting it to Local and Remote resolved my issue.

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    Antonio Rodriguez

    Hello Dana, I'm sorry for revisit the issue. I'm trying the same thing that you did, Install bartender on a Remote desktop server and install bartender in my computer for connect to sql database located at the the server. Could you kindly share how you have connected your local bartender to remote server?

    I appreciate so muy your help

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    Ian Cummings

    Antonio: The following video at around the 5:30 mark shows you that this setting is made during the System Database wizard setup: 

    Make sure you're running the Enterprise edition (Enterprise Automation edition for older versions) as this is required for using a centralized System Database.


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