Msg 1605 After Command Line
I am using the following command to execute a label:
C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender Suite\bartend.exe /F=Item Label.btw /P /?ShipperID="S0450410"
Bartend Opens and prints the label as expected and stays open for continue printing. However, when I go to close the Bartender app, I receive the "Information Message: 1605 Save changes...." No changes were made to the label.
How do I avoid this Message?
/XS to exit and save the document.
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If I use that switch in the command line, bartender is opening and closing for each request. I estimate the number of request per hour at 20-30. Using /XS would mean the label is saved 160+ times a day Since the command line to execute a label is not making any changes, why is it asking to save changes?
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Serialized label?
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In the Print dialog for the loaded document, under the "Options" sub-tab, tick the "Repeat data entry until cancelled" check box and then save the document.
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After checking the "Repeat data entry until cancelled" check box and saving the document, I close BT and ran the command line. The label print form was displayed. This is new and not wanted as there is not anything on the form. The 1605 message was displayed when closing BT even though I did not make any changes. The label is not serialized. .
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Although this is not the best solution, I disabled the 1605 message by unchecking "Dialog (Interactive Use Only)". I tried checking the "Automation Exception" option and that did not work. Since this disables the message completely, I will have to remember to save my changes when I am actually modifying a label. If you find a solution to running a label from a command line without presenting the end user with a 1605 prompt when closing BT, please let me know.
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Attach a copy of your Bartender document, or a representative sample, so that I can more easily deduce what would be the most appropriate command line for you.
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I attached a copy of the label to:
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In the document level VB script, via "File>Document Options" you have some code that conditionally changes the Y position of an object. It is this change in object position that prompt the document save question.
If Field("vr_xAjacsShipLabels.AlternateID") = "" thenFormat.Objects("Text 7").Y = 1.396ElseFormat.Objects("Text 7").Y = 1.563End IfHave you considered printing via the Print Station companion application instead?0 -
I removed the code from the label, unchecked "Use VB Scripting" and launch the report from a command line.
C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender Suite\bartend.exe /F=Item Label.btw /P /?ShipperID="S0450410"
Bartender opened and printed the report as expected. When I went to close the Bartender application, I was presented with a "1605... Save Changes" message even thought I did not make any changes to the report. I reviewed the label for any other code that might make changes at run time and did not find anything.
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Hmmm, yes it looks like we're doing a partial save on the document file to update the default print quantity. Can you tell me why in particular a partial update of the document is a problem? In BarTender have you tried adjusting the application message behaviour? Do this via the "Administer>Application message setup" menu item.
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IMHO, allowing Print Stations to save a file without prompting the user is not a good practice. I only became aware of it when I moved the files to a shared folder with appropriate access rights. It was my understanding, and I imagine that of most Print Station users, that Print Station was used to print the labels/files, not make changes,
I would also highly recommend a warning to users who are storing these files on a shared volume with shadow copy services enabled. Unless appropriate accommodations are made, it could get messy.
I located the files in a folder with appropriate access rights and removed the "check" on the Dialog (Interactive Use Only) for both the 1605 and 3345 Message. The users who will regularly use Print Stations do not have write access rights to the folder and thus, Print Station will not produce excessive shadow copies of the files on the volume. Disabling 1605 and 3345 for those users has eliminated the messages.
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Print Station prints via the BarTender System Service. Have you tried setting the user logon for the service to be of an elevated account that does have read/write permissions. At least in this way Print Station can operate normally, but standard users will still be locked out when using BarTender directly. I realise this doesn't address the shadow copy services issue.
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Also, have you not considered using the Security Center functionality to lock down your users?
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Concerning the need to update the document file when a change in print quantity is specified in Print Station: I have asked development to consider adding an option to just remember this value for the particular document in the Print Station session only, rather than writing to file so that it persists between sessions.
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