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Counting Labels


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    Susan Chen
    Hi, Alon:

    Can you elaborate more for counting labels in your rolls? You mean you do not know how many labels you can print in your one roll? You can start with one text object with initial number for example 1 and use VBScript to add 1 for every print, at the end of roll, you will get a number. This number will be your labels count in one roll. If you do not want this number print, you can drag this text object to the outside of Bartender label design area and keep the design area empty.

    If this is what you want, I can show you the steps on how to achieve it. If this is not what you want to accomplish, please elaborate more for us.

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    Legacy Poster
    Thanks for your replay.

    tThat is exactaly what I need. I have a roll of labels and I dont know how many labels in it, so I would like to use my printer with BarTender to count it.
    It wiil be great ifyou can explain me how to implement this.


    [quote name='Susan C - Seagull Support' timestamp='1316619741' post='672']
    Hi, Alon:

    Can you elaborate more for counting labels in your rolls? You mean you do not know how many labels you can print in your one roll? You can start with one text object with initial number for example 1 and use VBScript to add 1 for every print, at the end of roll, you will get a number. This number will be your labels count in one roll. If you do not want this number print, you can drag this text object to the outside of Bartender label design area and keep the design area empty.

    If this is what you want, I can show you the steps on how to achieve it. If this is not what you want to accomplish, please elaborate more for us.

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    Susan Chen
    Hi, Alon:

    Thank you very much for the clarification. There are few ways you can get label count on a roll.

    a)The most straightforward one is get the information from your label supplier. Some of them might use total length to calculate label count per roll.
    b)There are also some Label counter hardware equipments specially made for this purpose.
    c)Bartender might not be the most convenient way for you to only to count the label per roll. Bartender is mainly for design label software and work with our printer driver for best printing optium performance.
    d)You can get the actual printer label count from printer manufacturer from printer side either by program or by hardware checking for some printer models

    I will focus on c) Bartender part

    step1: "File"-> "Print" to select the proper printer and "File"-> "Page setup" to seup label size
    step2: a)Drag a text object to the design area(General-> Do not print object) or
    b)Drag a text object to outside the design area
    step3: a)Double click on the text object,Data source : 0, More Option-> Click
    on "Seralization" Tab, tick "Seralize" checkbox, File-> Print-> Number of
    Seralized number:1. Make sure "update sub-string after print" is ticked or
    B) setup VBScript to add 1 count if you preferred this option
    step4: Write a DOS command batch file to call Bartender command line to print empty label but add 1
    count continuously until the end of the roll

    For example:
    ::Run the batch to get the print count for a roll of label
    ::When the end of roll, printer send beep sound or signal
    ::User push CTRL+C(Y/n):Y to stop the batch job. The text object number on the btw will
    ::be the label count for a roll
    ::Bartender command line for printing Label is in PrintLabel loop
    "C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender Suite\bartend.exe"
    /AF="D:\KT\command line\roll_label_count.btw" /P /S /X
    GOTO PrintLabel

    step 5: test with ECHO ON to start with few label count first to see if the btw label count show up properly. Can add some wait or delay on DOS command

    Hope it work out for you.


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